Algeo01-21055 - aezakmi

Tugas Besar 1 Aljabar Linear dan Geometri IF21 is a project to build matrice calculator which calculates Linear Equation System, Determinant, Inverse Matrice, Polynomial Interpolation, Bicubic Interpolation, Multiple Linear Regression, and Image Resizer.

Anggota Kelompok 'aezakmi'

  1. 13521055/ K1 - Muhammad Bangkit Dwi Cahyono
  2. 13521081/ K1 - Bagas Aryo Seto
  3. 13521148/ K2 - Johanes Lee


  1. Sistem Persamaan Liner (SPL)
    • Eliminasi Gauss
    • Eliminasi Gauss-Jordan
    • Matriks Balikan
    • Kaidah Cramer
  2. Determinan
    • Ekspansi Kofaktor
    • Reduksi Baris
  3. Matriks Balikan (Inverse)
    • Eliminasi Gauss-Jordan
    • Adjoint
  4. Interpolasi Polinom
  5. Interpolasi Bicubic
  6. Regresi Linear Berganda
  7. Image Resizer
  8. Keluar

How To Run?

Run Manually

  1. Clone folder with git clone or download the zip file from the github
  2. Go to the folder cd Algeo01-21055
  3. Go to bin folder cd bin (compiled files)
  4. Run the program by typing java mtrx.Main
  5. test folder is used to store input and output .txt/ .png / img file
  6. You can also run the jar file, go to lib folder cd lib and type java -jar Algeo01-21055.jar
  7. Enjoy (^▽^)

Run Using Windows Batch File

Windows :

  1. Clone folder with git clone or download the zip file from the github
  2. Go to the folder cd Algeo01-21055
  3. Type start.bat or ./start.bat on the terminal, you can also click the icon (it will automatically compile all .java files)
  4. test folder is used to store input and output .txt/ .png / img file
  5. Enjoy (^▽^)

Linux/MacOS: Please run manually (>﹏<)


Make sure you inputed the matrices right, the number of element in the row or column must be precise. Input can be integer, double, or fraction. If you want to test your .txt file or your image img file, you can put your file in test/img for image file or test/txt for text file.

Thank You (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧