
Rails practice / Youtube

Primary LanguageRuby


By Bang Nguyen


This app allows users to sign up and post their notes and only they can see their notes by signing in the app.

General Setup Instructions

  • Clone this repository
  • Install gems by running command $ bundle in the terminal
  • Open another terminal tab and type postgres to start PostgreSQL database
  • Return to first terminal tab and run rails db:create to create the databases
  • Run rails db:migrate db:test:prepare to create tables
  • Run rails db:seed to seed the database
  • Launch the Rails server by running command $ rails s in the terminal
  • Launch site by visiting localhost:3000 in browser

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to create, edit and delete a note.

Tech Used

  • Ruby on Rails (v.
  • Active Record
  • PostgreSQL
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap/SCSS


This software is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2016 * Bang Nguyen *