
Ubuntu color theme for Emacs 24

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

License GPL 3 MELPA Stable issues


ubuntu-theme has been inspired by the default terminal colors in Ubuntu. It looks like this:


It has improved faces for modes like custom, info and helm, among others.



Download ubuntu-theme.el to the dierctory ~/.emacs.d/themes and add this line to your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")


Ubuntu theme is available in MELPA. You can install it with:

M-x package-install ubuntu-theme


You can change themes using M-x customize-themes, which allows you to save preferences between restarts.

Alternatively, to just load ubuntu-theme automatically on Emacs startup, add this to your init file:

(load-theme 'ubuntu t)

You can load the theme manually with the interactive function load-theme:

M-x load-theme RET ubuntu RET

Bugs & Improvements

Please report any problems that you find on the project issue tracker. If you've added some improvements and you want them included upstream don't hesitate to send me a patch or even better - a GitHub pull request.


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