A simple configuration loader with TypeScript and ESM support out of the box
- Search and load configuration
- Good defaults or customise to your needs
- TypeScript and ESM support out of the box
- Define order of precedence
Will load the files in the following order by default, for a library called banjo
- .rc files (
) - config files (
npm install confique
import { confique } from "confique";
// different ways to configure
const confiq = confique("libraryName");
const confiq = confique("libraryName", { preferOrder: ["js", "ts"] });
const confiq = confique("libraryName", { searchPaths: ["fileName.ts", "fileName.js"] });
const confiq = confique("libraryName", { module: "config" });
// search for all possible files
const loaded = await confiq.search();
// load a specific file
const loaded = await confiq.load("path/to/config.ts");