
🪝 Super simple pre-defined Git hooks

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Amazingly simple Git hooks library, packed with great defaults.

  • Get up and running with one command
  • Automatic setup of config file (TS, JS, JSON, package.json)
  • Simple configuration
  • Great pre-configured defaults (branch validation, commit validation, staged commands, etc)
  • Support for custom hooks


Install with the following commands. Run hoks --init on config updates to apply the changes.

# install
npm install hoks

# init typescript config file
npx hoks --init

Supported flags:

  • --json - use JSON config file
  • --javascript - use JS config file
  • --package - use package.json config file


Either remove hooks in .git/hooks/ manually or run the following command:

npx hoks --clean


import { defineConfig } from "hoks";

export default defineConfig({
    installOnLockChange: true,
    commitMessage: {
        pattern: "^ID-[0-9]+: .+",
        message: pc => pc.red("Branch must look like this ID-<number>: <message>"),
    preCommit: ["npm run test"],
    staged: {
        "*": "npm run format",
        "*.{ts,js}": "npm run lint",
    preventCommit: ["main", "master", "develop"],

API Reference

Install on lock change

Install dependencies on lock file change. Uses git-install-hook under the hood. Installs automatically by default, but can be a prompt. Will run on branch change and after a merge.

  • type: boolean | object
  • default: false
  • command: installOnLockChange
  • hooks: post-checkout, post-merge
    "installOnLockChange": {
        "prompt": true,
        "installation": "show",
        "noText": false
  • prompt: boolean - prompt before installing
  • installation: show | hide | spinner - show or hide the installation output
  • noText: boolean - hide the text

Branch name

Validate branch name.

  • type: boolean | object
  • default: false
  • command: branchName
  • hooks: pre-commit
    "branchName": {
        "pattern": "^feature/.+",
        "message": "Branch name must start with 'feature/'"
  • pattern: string - regex pattern
  • message: string | function - error message

The error message can be a string or a function that returns a string. It gets the pc object as parameter. This is piccocolors and can be used to style the text.

    "branchName": {
        "pattern": "^feature/.+",
        "message": pc => pc.red("Branch name must start with 'feature/'")

Commit message

Validate commit message. Will run on commit-msg hook. If staged is enabled, it will run before the staged commands by moving the staged commands to the commit-msg hook.

  • type: boolean | object
  • default: false
  • command: commitMessage
  • hooks: commit-msg
    "commitMessage": {
        "pattern": "^ID-[0-9]+: .+",
        "message": "Branch must look like this ID-<number>: <message>"
  • pattern: string - regex pattern
  • message: string | function - error message

The error message can be a string or a function that returns a string. It gets the pc object as parameter. This is piccocolors and can be used to style the text.

    "commitMessage": {
        "pattern": "^ID-[0-9]+: .+",
        "message": pc => pc.red("Branch must look like this ID-<number>: <message>")


Run commands on staged files. Defaults to run on pre-commit, but will run on commit-msg if any feature that checks the commit message is enabled (commitMessage or enforceConventionalCommits). This is because the validation needs to run before running the commands.

  • type: false | object
  • default: false
  • command: staged
  • hooks: pre-commit, commit-msg
    "staged": {
        "*": "npm run format",
        "*.{ts,js}": "npm run lint"

The key is a minimatch pattern. The value is a command to run. If no / is used in the name, it will match the file name even if it is in a subdirectory. If / is used, it will match the whole path.

Prevent commit

Prevent commits on certain branches.

  • type: false | string | string[]
  • default: false
  • command: preventCommit
  • hooks: pre-commit
    "preventCommit": ["main", "master", "develop"]

Sync before push

Sync (pull) before push. Will not sync if force push.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • command: syncBeforePush
  • hooks: pre-push
    "syncBeforePush": false

Enforce conventional commits

Enforce conventional commits. If staged is enabled, it will run before the staged commands by moving the staged commands to the commit-msg hook.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • command: enforceConventionalCommits
  • hooks: commit-msg
    "enforceConventionalCommits": true

No todos

Prevent commits with TODOs in comments.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • command: noTodos
  • hooks: pre-commit
    "noTodos": true

Test changed

Run tests on changed files. Supports for jest and vitest.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false
  • command: testChanged
  • hooks: pre-commit
    "testChanged": true

Custom hooks

Any custom hook can be added. For example, the pre-commit hook can be added using camelCase preCommit as key and commands as value. This works for any valid hook.

  • type: false | string | string[]
  • default: false
    "preCommit": ["npm run test"]