
Android-Paticle.io app that keeps the track of the number of jumps using a Photon device. Takes the number of jumps input from the user and update the particle device so its shows green colour on completing that task(number of jumps).


Android-Paticle.io app that keeps the track of the number of jumps using a Photon device. Takes the number of jumps input from the user and update the particle device so its shows green colour on completing that task(number of jumps). HARDWARE CODE

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE. #include <InternetButton.h>

//int initialValue; // int initVal = initialValue + 30; int initial;

int numberChanged; int jumpCount; float num;

InternetButton b = InternetButton();

void setup() {

initial = b.readZ();
//setting the nickname as : jumpCount
Particle.function("jumpCount", checkJumps);
jumpCount = 0;
num = 0;


void loop(){ if ( 0 < num) { // b.allLedsOn( 255, 255, 255); // b.allLedsOff(); // b.ledOn(1, 255, 255, 255); // b.ledOn(2, 255, 255, 255); // b.ledOn(3, 255, 255, 255); int zVal = b.readZ();

    //setting the height value
    int initVal = initial + 20;
    Particle.publish("check", String(initVal));
    if (zVal > initVal) {
        zVal = initial;
        jumpCount += 1;
        //calculating the %
        numberChanged = (jumpCount / num) * 100 ;
        //changing the light acc to jump couunt %
        Particle.publish("jumpCount", String(jumpCount));
         //detecting the no. of change
         for (int a = 1; a <= (numberChanged / 11); a++) {
             //turning on the lights acc to the enumaration
             b.ledOn(a, 100, 100, 50);
         //if goal complete then do this
         if(numberChanged == 100)
              num = 0;
              jumpCount = 0;
              numberChanged = 0;



int checkJumps(String command)
    if( num == 0 )
    num = atof(command.c_str());
     Particle.publish("jumps", String(num));