
Flight Tickets UI Mock from Dribble

Started this project as a design mock up for Flight Tickets Deal Tracker App | Day 340/365 - Project365 - https://dribbble.com/shots/5662956-Flight-Tickets-Deal-Tracker-App-Day-340-365-Project365 As we progressed through with both the screens, viewers asked for Firebase integration, Bloc patterns. As as result, series is ended with 5 parts

This project uses Dart 2

Video Series

Part 1- https://youtu.be/GeMJz3EcBgs Demonstration of ClipPath, Custom Choice Chip and Popup Menu Button

Part 2- https://youtu.be/SyrmtnYGJyI Worked on gradients and bottom part of the home screen, Added Bottom App Bar

Part 3- https://youtu.be/4bIjr6zXm1E Created Flight Listing screen and navigated back and forth between two screens

Part 4- https://youtu.be/4bIjr6zXm1E Used Inherited Widget to remove redundant passing of parameters, Added firestore integration to back the app with dynamic content.

Part 5- https://youtu.be/WBcoWif202s Using Bloc pattern through out the app for state management.


Home Screen(default)Home Screen(Location Popup)Flight Listing Screen

This project is now complete on 2nd January 2019.