
This project recommends a users other users based on collaborative filtering on business reviews and the trust relationship in the user's social graph.

How to Run it

  • Install Maven
  • Install Eclipse IDE and import as maven project
  • Run command Maven Install
  • Copy the fat jar file from the target folder in classpath
  • Download Hadoop Binaries (version 2.0 to 2.6 works) and Setup hadoop distributed
  • Or replace the above step by running on EMR cluster by configuring as custom jar
  • run the command - bin/hadoop jar /target/yelp_Recommendation-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar business_data reviews_data users_data userID degree (optional) outputfolderName (optional)


Let's find out recommendations for Tina

####Tina's reviewed businesses - alt text

####Recommended friends - alt text

####Graph Visualization alt text