
Anchore Image Validator lets you automatically detect or block security issues just before a Kubernetes pod starts.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Go Report Card license Docker Automated build

Anchore Image Validator

Anchore Image Validator lets you automatically detect or block security issues just before a Kubernetes pod starts.

This repository contains an admission webhook server that can be configured as a ValidatingWebhook in a k8s cluster. Kubernetes will send requests to the admission server when a Pod creation is initiated. The server checks the image defined in the pod specification using the configured Anchore-engine API. If the result indicates that the image does not comply with the defined policy, k8s will reject the Pod creation request.

  • If an image is not valid, the release can be added to a whitelist resource (CRD) to bypass the blocking.
  • The results of image checks are stored as an audit resource (CRD) in a sructured format.


Helm install

Install from banzaicloud-stable repository

Add repository

$ helm repo add banzaicloud-stable https://kubernetes-charts.banzaicloud.com/
$ helm repo update

Install chart

$ helm install --set externalAnchore.anchoreHost=<my.anchore.host>  --set externalAnchore.anchoreUser=<username> --set externalAnchore.anchorePass=<password> banzaicloud-stable/anchore-policy-validator

Manual install

For manual install you need to define the following environment variables

ENV Descripton
ANCHORE_ENGINE_USERNAME Anchore-engine username
ANCHORE_ENGINE_PASSWORD Anchore-engine password

Accessing banzaicloud security features via Kubernetes api:

$ curl http://<k8s apiserver>/apis/security.banzaicloud.com/v1alpha1
  "kind": "APIResourceList",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "groupVersion": "security.banzaicloud.com/v1alpha1",
  "resources": [
      "name": "whitelistitems",
      "singularName": "whitelistitem",
      "namespaced": false,
      "kind": "WhiteListItem",
      "verbs": [ ... ],
      "shortNames": [
      "name": "audits",
      "singularName": "audit",
      "namespaced": false,
      "kind": "Audit",
      "verbs": [ ... ]

Resources accessible via kubectl command:

$ kubectl get whitelist
$ kubectl get audit

Example whitelist:

apiVersion: security.banzaicloud.com/v1alpha1
kind:  WhiteListItem
  name: <name of helm release>
  reason: <whitelisting reason>
  creator: <creator>
  [regexp:] <optional>

Example audit:

apiVersion: security.banzaicloud.com/v1alpha1
kind:  Audit
  name: <name of audit (generated from Pod OwnerReference)>
  - <scanned Pod OwnerReference>
  releaseName: <helm release name>
  resource: pod
    - imageName": "docker.io/image-name1",
      imageTag": "latest",
      imageDigest": "sha256:abcd1",
      lastUpdated": "2018-11-11T14:35:38Z"
    - imageName": "docker.io/image-name2",
      imageTag": "latest",
      imageDigest": "sha256:abcd2",
      lastUpdated": "2018-11-11T14:35:38Z"
    - <docker.io/image-name1 scan result>
    - <docker.io/image-name1 scan result>
  action: <allow or reject>
  [state:] <optional>