
ImagePullSecrets controller allows you to distribute image pull secrets based on namespace/pod matches.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


IMPS (IMagePullSecrets) controller is a Kubernetes operator that manages pull secrets based label or annotation selectors. It natively supports ECR and standard docker configuration secrets.

IMPS provides two modes of operation:

  • IMPS controller: a full fledged solution for managing and refreshing secrets in multiple namespaces
  • IMPS token refresher: a small utility that allows to refresh ECR tokens inside one namespace

Using the token refresher

The token refresher Docker images are available in the ghcr.io/banzaicloud/imagepullsecrets-refresher Docker Registry.

The refresher uses the same kind of secrets as we will discuss in regard the Controller, however it can only output pull secrets into a single namespace.

For example a Pod running the refresher with the following arguments:


will ensure that the AWS credentials stored inside the default namespaces ecr-credentails-1 and ecr-credentials-2 secrets are used to fetch ECR tokens for the set registries, and the image pull secret will be put inside the ecr-image-pull-secrets secret inside the default namespace.

The format of AWS credentials needed by the refresher is the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ecr-credentials-1
  namespace: default
type: banzaicloud.io/aws-ecr-login-config
  accessKeyID: XXX # AWS AccessKeyID
  secretKey: XXXX # AWS SecretAccessKey
  region: us-east-1 # ECR repository's region to use the token for
  accountID: "123456789"  # ECR repository's account ID to use the token for
  roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::0000000000000:role/ECR-PulllAccess" # Optional, use to assume role in cross account environments

The secret type should be banzaicloud.io/aws-ecr-login-config.

Note: the refresher needs list and watch Cluster permissions for secrets, and read access to the source secrets, and created/delete/update for the target secret.

If there's interest we can provide a helm chart for the refresher too, please create an issue if you are interested.

Motivation for the Controller

The solution is geared towards Istio or any solution relying on sidecar injection. The issue is that the sidecar injection can happen in any namespace the user starts a Deployment or StatefulSet (Workload from now on). Assuming that the image is inside a private docker registry the Pod of Workload needs to have access to that registry.

ImagePullSecrets can be specified at many places, like inside a ServiceAccount, however the sidecar injector should not change the Pod's service account. What it can do, is to add a new Secret reference inside the Pod's imagePullSecrets list. Unfortunately you cannot specify a namespace field in that list, meaning that the Secret needs to reside in the same Namespace as the Pod.

As we did not want to implement this feature inside our sidecar injector, we came up with the concept of IMPS. For example the following CustomResource instructs IMPS to create a secret called istio-pull-secret inside each Namespace with the annotation of sidecar.istio.io/inject=true or if any Pod inside a namespace has the same annotation:

apiVersion: images.banzaicloud.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImagePullSecret
  name: imps
      - name: registry--https-index.docker.io-v1-pull-secret-5cbe024b
        namespace: registry-access
        - matchAnnotations:
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"
        - matchAnnotations:
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"
      name: istio-pull-secret

The secret will contain the docker login config from the registry--https-index.docker.io-v1-pull-secret-5cbe024b secret from the registry-access namespace.

Given that this CR is controlling the IMPS controller any time a new Pod starts, or a Namespace gets created the secret will be injected automatically.


Helm chart's source is available in deploy/imagepullsecrets.

The helm chart can also be downloaded from the banzaicloud-stable helm repository:

helm repo add banzaicloud-stable https://kubernetes-charts.banzaicloud.com
helm install imps banzaicloud-stable/imagepullsecrets


Docker login credentials support

The secrets specified in the .spec.registry.credentials array can be pointed to a secret that is created the same way as described in Pull an Image from a Private Registry.

If multiple credentials are specified, their contents will be merged into a single kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson typed Secret.

ECR Support

IMPS supports logging in to ECR registries. This can be useful if you need to access an ECR registry from outside of AWS, as ECR issues tokens that are only valid for 12 hours, then they need to be renewed based on IAM credentials.

To add an ECR repository login credential create a secret based on this template:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: ecr-pull-secret
  namespace: registry-access
type: banzaicloud.io/aws-ecr-login-config
  accessKeyID: XXX # AWS AccessKeyID
  secretKey: XXXX # AWS SecretAccessKey
  region: us-east-1 # ECR repository's region to use the token for
  accountID: "123456789"  # ECR repository's account ID to use the token for
  roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::0000000000000:role/ECR-PulllAccess" # Optional, use to assume role in cross account environments

Note: Make sure accountID is given as string and not bare numbers, Kubernetes Secret's stringData field will only accept strings.

Using IMPS to provision secrets in selected namespaces

The following CR will provision the .spec.registry.credentials login credentials in the namespaces listed under the .spec.target.names.:

apiVersion: images.banzaicloud.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImagePullSecret
  name: imps
      - name: registry--https-index.docker.io-v1-pull-secret-5cbe024b
        namespace: registry-access
      - name: registry--999653XXXXX.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com-pull-secret-5e3481fc
        namespace: registry-access
        - backyards-registry-access
        - backyards-system
        - backyards-canary
        - cert-manager
        - istio-system
      name: istio-pull-secret

This example CR instructs the controller to:

  • load the registry--https-index.docker.io-v1-pull-secret-5cbe024b secret from the registry-access namespace
  • load the registry--999653XXXXX.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com-pull-secret-5e3481fc ECR credential-based secret from the registry-access namespace
    • Given that this is an ECR typed secret, it will call the AWS API to obtain a login token an generate the resulting docker authentication config
  • merges all of the docker authentication resulting from the previous steps
  • writes the resulting configuration into the istio-pull-secret in the following namespaces:
    • backyards-registry-access
    • backyards-system
    • backyards-canary
    • cert-manager
    • istio-system

If the ECR credentials are to expire the controller will automatically execute the previous steps again to ensure that the tokens are still valid.

Rule evaulation logic

As it is visible from the previous examples both the .spec.namespaces.annotations and .spec.namespaces.labels are arrays. The intent behind is that a namespace is selected for inclusion of the pull secret if ANY of those conditions match (logical OR).

For example:

apiVersion: images.banzaicloud.io/v1alpha1
kind: ImagePullSecret
  name: imps
  # ...
        - matchAnnotations:
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"
        - matchAnnotations:
            backyards.banzaicloud.io/image-registry-access: "true"
        - matchExpressions:
            - key: istio.io/rev
              operator: Exists
        - backyards-registry-access
        - backyards-system
        - backyards-canary
        - cert-manager
        - istio-system
        - matchAnnotations:
            sidecar.istio.io/inject: "true"
        - matchExpressions:
            - key: istio.io/rev
              operator: Exists
      name: istio-pull-secret

This CR instructs IMPS to provision istio-pull-secret if any of the following conditions is true:

  • The namespace has an annotation of sidecar.istio.io/inject=true OR
  • The namespace has an annotation of backyards.banzaicloud.io/image-registry-access=true OR
  • The namespace has a label with key istio.io/rev OR
  • The namespace's name is listed in the names part OR
  • A pod exists inside the namespace that has an annotation of sidecar.istio.io/inject=true OR
  • A pod exists inside the namespace that has a label with key istio.io/rev


In case there is an issue with the controller the imps CR shows the reason of the issue. For example:

# kubectl get imps
NAME                                       STATE    RECONCILED   VALIDITY SECONDS   SECRET NAME           NAMESPACES
imps-imagepullsecrets-controller-default   Failed   21m          43161              default-secret-name   ["default"]

The Failed string indicates that something is wrong when creating the target secrets. To check the details, please describe the given IMPS CR:

# kubectl describe imps imps-imagepullsecrets-controller-default
Name:         imps-imagepullsecrets-controller-default
  Last Successful Reconciliation:  2021-10-25T11:39:18Z
  Managed Namespaces:
  Reason:  some source secrets failed to render
  Source Secret Status:
    default.test:    Ok
    default.test2:   operation error ECR: GetAuthorizationToken, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: fa6b9762-522d-4aee-bb6d-69280ed22ae7, api error UnrecognizedClientException: The security token included in the request is invalid.
  Status:            Failed
  Validity Seconds:  43161
  Type     Reason                  Age                From                         Message
  ----     ------                  ----               ----                         -------
  Warning  SourceCredentialsError  30m (x2 over 30m)  imagepullsecrets-controller  some source secrets failed to render
  Warning  SourceCredentialsError  27m (x2 over 27m)  imagepullsecrets-controller  Source cerdentials failed to process: some source secrets failed to render
  Warning  SourceCredentialsError  22m (x3 over 23m)  imagepullsecrets-controller  Source cerdentials failed to process: [default.test2]

The Status.Status field indicates that the reconciliation has failed. The Status.Reason shows the failure case (some source secrets failed to render). The Status.Source Secret Status indicates what failed during the reconciliation:

 Source Secret Status:
    default.test:    Ok
    default.test2:   operation error ECR: GetAuthorizationToken, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: fa6b9762-522d-4aee-bb6d-69280ed22ae7, api error UnrecognizedClientException: The security token included in the request is invalid.

As it is visible here the default namespace's test2 source credential has failed.

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The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.