A guide on how to build and use a set of Bao guest configurations for various platforms
- AFOliveiraLauro de Freitas - BA
- AfonsoSantos96University of Minho
- alexbraddPolitecnico di Milano
- bigmagic123
- CarlosTSoares
- CarryLiao5959
- D3boker1
- dajunHuangUESTC
- danielRepUniversity of Minho
- Diogo21Costa
- dupidogESWIN
- frodolaiBCM Advanced Research
- GGFreitas
- Inquisitor-201
- Jerryy959Chinese Academy of Sciences
- josecmBraga, Portugal
- KuangjuXUCAS
- later-3
- lqh-22
- Magdiel3Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
- maskedarray
- mbs0221UCAS
- mfbsouza
- MiraPagalan
- ninolomata
- nunocapela10University of Minho
- paul-pen
- sandro2pintoEarth
- ssd4561
- SuqierChangSha
- tupelo-shenYokogawa
- ultralapse
- xiebo-hao123
- XinlaiWan
- Zera-Algorithm北京航空航天大学
- zyyy132