Target Redirector is a Burp Suite Extension written in Kotlin, which redirects all Burp requests destined for a chosen target to a different target of your choice. The hostname/IP, port and protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) can all be configured to an alternative destination.
- 0A7V9A0a7v9a
- aadityapurani
- agnosticlines[object Object]
- ameyanekarPale Blue Dot
- andyacerCharlotte, NC
- aress31@aegiscyber
- atlassion
- burpsuite
- carlosmarq
- Ch0pinMicrosoft
- CxBugberlin
- DavidSanf0rd
- dwisiswant0@projectdiscovery
- hffaust
- irsdlSecProject Ltd
- joinfsocity
- MaxMood96USA
- MilleniumSpark
- moryyi
- msadek
- qqcfCN
- riiim400thjp
- TaqwaGuy
- vn-ncvinhHọc viện Kỹ Thuật Mật Mã