The author of Firemacs is Kazu YAMAMOTO <> **************************************************************** * * To make the .xpi package * On the top directory of firemacs: % sh "work/firemacs-x.y.xpi" will be created. **************************************************************** * * To use this sources directly, instead of .xpi * 1) Find the profile directory of Firefox. On Mac, it is "~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/" 2) Find the firemacs directory under the profile directory Suppose your profile name is "profile.default", it would be "Profiles/profile.default/extensions/{e98b7313-167d-48c6-89be-bc514d6de8d9}" 3) Change directory to the firemacs directory. 4) Remove all files on the firemacs directory using: % rm -rf * 5) Create three files: "components", "chrome", "install.rdf", "chrome.manifest" 5.1) Make symbolic link to the "components" directory of Git: % ln -s $GITDIR/components 5.2) Make symbolic link to the "chrome" directory of Git: % ln -s $GITDIR/chrome 5.3) Copy the "install.rdf" file from Git: % cp $GITDIR/install.rdf . 5.4) Create the "chrome.manifest" file whose contents are: ---- overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://firemacs/content/firemacs.xul application={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} appversion>=4.0 overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://firemacs/content/statusbar.xul content firemacs chrome/content/ skin firemacs classic/1.0 chrome/skin/ ---- 6) Your modification to the source files will be in effect when you restart Firefox. **************************************************************** * * Generating files in the "chrome/content" directory * "config-name.js","keybinding.js", and "config.xul" under the "chrome/content" directory are automatically generated. Automatic make tool is in the "chrome/content/db" directory. - "firemacs.yml" contains keybiding information in the YML style. - "make.hs" will create these three files above from "firemacs.yml" and "config.xul". "make.hs" is written by Haskell. You need to install Haskell Platform. To compile and run "make.hs", type in the "chrome/content/db" directory: % runghc make.hs Generating "../config-name.js"... done Generating "../keybinding.js"... done Generating "../config.xul"... done