
Primary LanguagePython

DMNet: Dual-Stream Marker Guided Deep Network for Dense Cell Segmentation and Lineage Tracking

Paper link: DMNet

Accurate segmentation and tracking of cells in microscopy image sequences is extremely beneficial in clinical diagnostic applications and biomedical research. A continuing challenge is the segmentation of dense touching cells and deforming cells with indistinct boundaries, in low signal-to-noise-ratio images. In this paper, we present a dual-stream marker-guided network (DMNet) for segmentation of touching cells in microscopy videos of many cell types. DMNet uses an explicit cell markerdetection stream, with a separate mask-prediction stream using a distance map penalty function, which enables supervised training to focus attention on touching and nearby cells. For multi-object cell tracking we use M2Track tracking-by-detection approach with multi-step data association. Our M2Track with mask overlap includes short term track-to-cell association followed by track-to-track association to re-link tracklets with missing segmentation masks over a short sequence of frames. Our combined detection, segmentation and tracking algorithm has proven its potential on the IEEE ISBI 2021 6th Cell Tracking Challenge (CTC-6) where we achieved multiple top three rankings for diverse cell types.

DMNet Workflow of DMNet and M2Track.


The codes contain the implementations of our below paper, please cite our paper when you are using the codes.

title={DMNet: Dual-Stream Marker Guided Deep Network for Dense Cell Segmentation and Lineage Tracking},
author={Bao, Rina and Al-Shakarji, Noor M and Bunyak, Filiz and Palaniappan, Kannappan},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},


Clone this GitHub repository

git clone https://github.com/CIVA-Lab/DMNet_Rina.git

Setting up environment

Using Anaconda 3 (or miniconda3) on linux, run the following:

The Anaconda environment was tested on Linux with CUDA 10.2.

cd training_codes
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cell

Running the code in Google Colab

It's popssible to set up the conda environment in Google Colab using the following:

!git clone https://github.com/CIVA-Lab/DMNet_Rina.git
!pip install -q condacolab
import condacolab
import os
!conda env create -f environment.yml
!source activate cell

We provide a notebook tutorial for training and testing DMNet, please read the notebook in codalab folder.


Prepare datasets for training

You cand download the training data from the Cell Segmentation and Tracking Challenge. Download any of the training datasets and place it in the folder DMNet_Rina/training_codes/Data/train. For that, you will need to create the Dataand train folder first.

mkdir "DMNet_Rina/training_codes/Data"
mkdir "DMNet_Rina/traning_codes/Data/train"

Download the pretrained model

Download the pretrained HRNet-W32-C model on imagenet from their website (https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Image-Classification/) and place them in the folder models_imagenet. Use the following code to create the folder:

cd training_codes
mkdir models_imagenet

Once the dataset is placed there, it should look like DMNet_Rina/training_codes/Data/train/DIC-C2DH-HeLa

Training on all the datasets from the Cell Segmentation and Tracking Challenge

To run the training on all the datasets from the Cell Segmentation and Tracking Challenge, run the six settings "GT", "ST", "GT+ST", "allGT", "allST", "allGT+allST" using the .bashcodes in the folder generate_bash:

cd generate_bash
bash allGT.sh
bash allST.sh
bash allGT+ST.sh

Training on a specific dataset of the Cell Segmentation and Tracking Challenge

Use the specific name of the Cell Segmentation and Tracking Challenge dataset in the variable dataset in the following line:

bash $dataset.sh

For example, training on DIC-C2DH-HeLa:

bash DIC-C2DH-HeLa.sh

Training on single GPU may need to specify cuda devices, for example, in DIC-C2DH-HeLa.sh, using gpu 1,

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python ../train_unify.py DIC-C2DH-HeLa GT mask ../yml/all_eachcell.yml

Directly run DIC-C2DH-HeLa.sh, the codes will be trained on all gpus. (Current bashsize in our configuration file is a setting for training on one gpu).

Chaning some training parameters:

Each bash code runs a training .pyfile placed in the training_codes folder. The parameters for the training (epochs, batch size, learning rate etc.) are specified in the yaml files that you can find in the yml folder. Note that you will need to addapt the value of some of these parameters, such as the batch size, according to your hardware (GPU).


For example, testing on DIC-C2DH-HeLa dataset 01 sequence.

cd inference_codes
bash DIC-C2DH-HeLa-01-GT.sh

Running all bash files for testing


Copyright and Contact Information

Copyright © 2021-2022. Rina Bao and Prof. K. Palaniappan and Curators of the University of Missouri, a public corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Created by: Rina Bao

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Missouri-Columbia

For more information, contact:


Pretrained imagenet model is from HRNet.

Partial codes are modifiled from solaris.