
MemSR: Training Memory-efficient Lightweight Model for Image Super-Resolution

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MemSR: Training Memory-efficient Lightweight Model for Image Super-Resolution


This is the demo code for MemSR. Containing the main experiment in the paper.


  • Codes are based on the Pytorch-Lightning framework.
  • You can set up the environments as follows:
    1. Install conda.
    2. Create a new environment with python=3.7.
    3. Install packages in requirements.txt.
  • To reproduce the main experiments, you need to download DIV2K, Set5, Set14, B100, and Urban100 datasets. Check EDSR-PyTorch to download the datasets.
  • And place them to /data/DIV2K, /data/Set5, /data/Set14, and /data/B100, /data/Urban100. The dataset directory '/data' can be changed at code/datasets/super_resolution/__init__.py:45.


Student Training

  • teacherx4_div2k_69068.ckpt is a teacher model pretrained on DIV2K.
  • Modify the path_to_teacher in code/frameworks/distillation/start_jobs.py:8 to the path where the teacher model checkpoint.
  • Run python frameworks/distillation/start_jobs.py to start the training.


The code base is from EDSR-PyTorch implementation, but it becomes very different from the code base now.