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PhD Thesis

This repo contains my PhD thesis. The LaTeX is based on this template, but I modified classicthesis.sty somewhat to have (imo) nicer chapter headings. I also replaced Palatino with Times, as all figures use Times and I think Times' math looks somewhat cleaner. I ordered the books at lulu.com, who offer a nice template to design your cover.

The PDF is available in the ETH Research Collection here.


  • To build the thesis, use make inside src (cd src && make)
  • Template uses the "Crown Quarto size", that can be used at lulu.com, see preamle.sty. If you need a different size, change this early!
  • There is a forprint boolean in preamble.sty that influences how the PDF is created, which can be set there as well.
    • When we print, we want to rotate big figures such that they cause a reader of the book to rotate the book. Also, we do not want to add the cover and backcover as this is done in the web GUI of lulu.
    • When we don't print, we want to rotate the page for the PDF such that a reader can scroll through.

How to convert papers into thesis chapters

  1. First copy the whole paper incl. appendix.
  2. Remove vspaces etc.
  3. Run in vim, where you replace PREFIX with whatever you want the chapter prefix to be:
%s/\\label{/\\label{PREFIX:/g | %s/\\ref{/\\ref{PREFIX:/g | %s/\\eqref{/\\eqref{PREFIX:/g
  1. At the end, to include the Appendices, use
\begin{subappendices} \section*{Appendices}  \end{subappendices}