
Linux Study Group Material

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UW Linux Study Group

Quarter One Material

Vagrant CentOS 6.6 configuration files:

Vagrant shell provider [DONE]

Vagrant Ansible provider [In Work]

Vagrant Docker provider [To Do]

Quarter Two Material

Vagrant CentOS 7.3 configuration files:

Vagrant shell provider [To Do]

Vagrant Ansible provider [To Do]

Vagrant Docker provider [To Do]

Quarter Three Material

Vagrant Ubuntu 16.04 configuration files:

Vagrant shell provider [To Do]

Vagrant Ansible provider [In Work]

Vagrant Docker provider [To Do]

Start new notes repository

Outline ideas and issues associated with DevOps

Main tasks and approach

Track One: Teraform script to deploy Gitlab on Digital Ocean.  (Adrian -
lead contact)
-- First cycle of Gitlab deploy-distroy-redeploy is complete. (09-24-2017)

Track Two: Ansible or Kitchen script to automate the republishing of a
local git repo to the cloud repo after the original cloud repo has
been destroyed and rebuilt. (Joe -- lead contact)
-- First cycle completed by hand. Need to create a script. (09-24-2017)

Track Three: Kitchen scripts to test Digital Ocean configuration of
a newly deployed Gitlab system. (Cho - lead contact)
-- Need to work Github commands and update process. (09-24-2017)

At this time the study group is all about system configuration and

Task 1: Adrian is building a script that will allow anyone with a
unused domain name, a Digital Ocean account and a public ssh key to
deploy Gitlab to Digital Ocean with a single "apply" command.  Very
useful, eliminates some areas for human error.  From time to time
Adrian will completely destroy the Gitlab instance on Digital Ocean
and redeploy a new exact same copy on Digital Ocean.  This is the
general plan.

Task 2: Joe is creating a script to redeploy a git repository from a
local system (laptop) back to Digital Ocean after a new Gitlab
instance has been deployed.

Task 3: Cho is exploring the construction of a Kitchen script to
test the deployed Gitlab configuration and settings.

Once we get the Gitlab automatic deployment working and tested then
we will move toward adding separate storage volumes as well as a
CI/CD process for our new Gitlab instance.

General System Architecture Approach

Our system has three levels, 1) Github, 2) Gitlab and 3) Gitlab Projects.

Github [Level One]

The Level One system component contains the scripts needed to deploy Gitlab to Digital Ocean.

Overview of Terraform Up & Running

First read the book: "Terraform Up & Running." Presents a good overview of DevOps and standard DevOps tools.

The next step is to figure out how all the software tools in the DevOps space are related. These tools are:

  1. Chef
  2. Puppet
  3. Ansible
  4. SaltStack
  5. OpenStack Heat
  6. Teraform

Configuration-Provisioning: Chef, Puppet, Ansible and SaltStack are configuration management tools. Teraform and OpenStack Heat are provisioning tools.

Mutable-Immutable infrastructure: Chef, Puppet, Ansible and SaltStack default to a mutable infrastructure paradigm. Teraform and OpenStack Heat default to an immutable infrastructure paradigm.

Declarative-Procedural Language: Chef and Ansible encourage a procedural style approach where the code specifics how to achieve an end state, using a step by step process. Terraform, Saltstack, Puppet, and Openstack Heat all use a declaritive syle language where the end state is specified and the tool figures out how to achieve the state.

Masterless-Master Mode Ansible, Openstack Heat and Terraform all ar ematerless by default. By default, Chef, Puppet and Saltstack all require the use of an master server.

Agentless-Agent software Ansible, Openstack Heat and Terraform do not require the installation of any extra agents. Saltstack, Puppet and Chef all require the installation of agents.

Chef, Ansible and Puppet appear to be the most popular tools with Terraform and Saltstack a close second. Terraform is the newest tool set with the other tools sets all having about 4 or 5 more years of maturity.