
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple example for Gulp.js

  1. Install Node.js, if not present
  2. npm i --g gulp
  3. git clone https://github.com/bapinmalakar/glup-demo.git
  4. Move to the project folder
  5. npm i
  6. gulp task_name

Some Basic description:

gulpfile.js => configure are written here and should root of the project

Packages npm gulp nam gulp-newer nam gulp-noop => for do nothing

//for images npm gulp-imagegin => for compress images

//for html npm gulp-htmlclean => for html in prod

//for js npm gulp-deporder => check all dependency npm gulp-concat => all script file in single file(main.js) npm gulp-strip-debug => remove all console & debug npm gulp-terser => minimise code with es6 comparable npm gulp-sourcemaps => append source map when in dev mode

//for scss npm gulp-sass => to process sass npm postcss-assets => to resolve all file dependency ex: background: resolve('image.png'); npm autoprefixer => automatically add vendor prefix to css properties npm css-mqpacker  npm cssnano => minified css

glup.src(input_folder) => read files from and given to glue for process gulp.dest(output_folder) => put all process file here

.pipe() for function chaining in gulp

each function are task function image() function html() gulp.series(image, html)=> process each task one after another

es: exports.build_prject = glup.series(image, html)

glup build_project for run gulp

running all task parallel exports.build_project = gulp.parallel(exports.html, exports.css, exports.js);

gulp.watch(folder_name, function_name) to watch that any file changes are happened or not, if happen then build again