
A full-stack web application for monitoring internet speed test data, including a Node.js backend with an API for data retrieval and a script with a CRON task to generate a JSON file periodically. A React frontend is available for visualization of key metrics.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SpeedTest Tracker 🚀

A full-stack web application for monitoring internet speed test data, including a Node.js backend with an API for data retrieval and a script with a CRON task to generate a JSON file periodically. A React frontend is available for visualization of key metrics.

📸 Project's Screenshots

Main page

main page

✨ Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

🚩 Prerequisites

You need to install SpeedTest CLI from the Ookla website and NodeJS if you want to run the project locally:

If you want to use Docker for deployment, you don't need this last step, but you do need to install Docker on the machine that will run the project:

✔ Installing (Locally)

A step by step that tell you how to get a development env running.

Step 1: clone the project by using the commands below :

git clone https://github.com/baptistelechat/Speedtest-tracker.git

Step 2: Copy .env.example to the project root, rename it .env and configure it as required


WINDOWS_SPEEDTEST_CLI_PATH = C:\\chemin\\vers\\speedtest.exe

API_PORT = 3000
APP_PORT = 5173

🧠 Prerequisites (script)

Step 1: go to the "script" folder and install the packages :

pnpm install

Step 2: start your local server (script):

pnpm dev

Step 3 : The result of speedtest is printed in the terminal

💻 Prerequisites (app)

Step 1: go to the "app" folder and do the same as previously. Copy .env.example to the project root, rename it .env and configure it as required :

VITE_API_URL = http://localhost:3000

Step 2: Install the packages :

pnpm install

Step 3: start your local server (frontend):

pnpm dev

Step 4 : open a browser and go to localhost:3000

http://localhost:3000 (or other if you setup a different port in vite.config.ts)

🚦 Prerequisites (api)

Step 1: go to the "api" folder and install the packages :

pnpm install

Step 2: start your local server (api):

pnpm dev

Step 4 : open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000

localhost:5000 (or other if you setup a different port in root .env)

🐳 Installing (Docker)

Step 1: Copy .env.example to the project root, rename it .env and configure it as required


WINDOWS_SPEEDTEST_CLI_PATH = C:\\chemin\\vers\\speedtest.exe

API_PORT = 3000
APP_PORT = 5173

Step 2: go to the "app" folder and do the same as previously. Copy .env.example to the project root, rename it .env and configure it as required :

VITE_API_URL = http://localhost:3000

Step 3: Lauch docker-compose.yml file

docker-compose up -d

Step 4 : open a browser and go to localhost:3000 for watch app in action

http://localhost:3000 (or other if you setup a different port in vite.config.ts)

Step 5 : open a browser and go to http://localhost:5000 for watch API in action

localhost:5000 (or other if you setup a different port in root .env)

Step 6 : Check if script for speedTest run

docker logs -f <CONTAINER_ID>

📚 API Reference

Go to API Documentation

🏗 Built With

😸 Maintainers

This project is mantained by:

👨‍💻👩‍💻 Contributing

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
  4. Push your branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

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Give a ⭐️ for support the project or if this project helped you !

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