Safety Assistant

Machine Learning part

Safety Assistant was developed during my internship as a Machine Learning Engineer at Dreamr in the summer of 2017. It is a safety system, which is able to predict whether on a certain date at a certain location in San Francisco, it is safe or not. The predictions are done by a Neural Network, which was trained on crime history in San Francisco from 2016 and 2017. The ML model is connected to an Amazon Lex chatbot, which itself is integrated in an iOS app and an Amazon Alexa skill. The iOS app also contains an augmented reality map, which shows where crimes happened, if you walk around with your camera in San Francisco. At the end of the internship the system was at a ready-to-publish state. The Alexa Skill is already available on the Alexa Skill US store. The iOS app will be published once iOS 11 is released.