
Simple Nette Sandbox with Baraja extensions.

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Baraja Nette Sandbox

Nette is a popular tool for PHP web development. It is designed to be the most usable and friendliest as possible. It focuses on security and performance and is definitely one of the safest PHP frameworks.

This is an upgraded version of the the basic Nette Sandbox that you can use as the starting point for your new applications. The PROs of this Sandbox is that is featuring the PackageManager, a great tool that allows you to search all the package dependencies automatically and register them to your project. It is also fully configured and prepared to support the use of Doctrine which is a simple and easy to use, maximal performance database layer.


To install the sandbox you should use Composer. To do so, find your web root directory (e.g. /var/www or C:\InetPub) in your command line and execute the following command:

composer create-project baraja/sandbox <your-project-name>

The sandbox will be downloaded into your newly created directory.

If you're developing on Mac OS X or Linux (or any other Unix based system), you need to configure write privileges to the web server. So in the terminal write:

cd <your-project-name> && chmod -R a+rw temp log

Web Server Setup

The simplest way to get started is to start the built-in PHP server in the root directory of your project:

php -S localhost:8000 -t www

Then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the welcome page.

For Apache or Nginx, setup a virtual host to point to the www/ directory of the project and you should be ready to go.

It is CRITICAL that whole app/, log/ and temp/ directories are not accessible directly via a web browser. See security warning.


  • Baraja Sandbox for Nette 3.0 requires PHP 7.1

To check if the server configuration meets the minimum requirements for Nette Framework, browse to the directory /checker in your project root (i.e. http://localhost:8000/checker).


Adminer is a fully featured database management tool written in PHP and it integrates well with the Sandbox.

To use it, browse to the subdirectory /adminer in your project root (i.e. http://localhost:8000/adminer).

Other sources

Other manuals and more you can read on Czech PHP Manual by Baraja.

This sandbox is also fully compatible with Nette and Structured API.