
Advanced product manager with administration interface in PHP. Compatible with Baraja CMS.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

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Baraja e-shop product

Advanced product manager with administration interface in PHP. Compatible with Baraja CMS.

📦 Installation

It's best to use Composer for installation, and you can also find the package on Packagist and GitHub.

To install, simply use the command:

$ composer require baraja-core/shop-product

You can use the package manually by creating an instance of the internal classes, or register a DIC extension to link the services directly to the Nette Framework.

How to use

Install the package in your PHP application and register the services. If you are using Baraja CMS, the installation will be fully automatic.

The tool natively supports product creation, search, management and advanced editing.

Product Overview:

Product default list

Custom user fields:

Product custom field manager

Details of specific product settings:

Product detail and overview

Manage parameters and variants:

Parameters and variants

📄 License

baraja-core/shop-product is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.