
Primary LanguageKotlin

build Renovate enabled

The goal of this project

To provide an easy way for sending and receiving notifications between processes

The structure of this project

  1. A Notifier client spring boot starter -- a spring boot started that when include in a spring boot project automatically create a Notifier client configuration is done with one property notifier.server.url that should set the url (possible behind load balancer) of the Notifier server, for example notifier.server.url=ws://localhost:6565/rsocket
  2. A Notifier server -- a server that use kafka to manage subscription and notifications configuration is done using the following properties
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" for whole file


the rsocket params should match the clients notifier.server.url

  1. notifier local env a docker compose with kafka zipkin jaeger and open telemetry collector
  2. An example -- a spring boot application that uses the notifier client started to send and receive notifications

Using the Notifier

The Notifier interface is very simple

interface Notifier {
    fun notify(notification: String) : Mono<Void>
    fun oneway(notification: String): Mono<Void>
    fun subscribe(pattern: String, subscriberMode: SubscriberMode = SubscriberMode.Shared): Flux<Event>

Sending notification can be done in 2 ways

  1. sending and waiting for the notification to be written to the kafka topic
  1. sending and not waiting
notifier.oneway("a one way")

Subscription modes

when subscribing the client can choose between 2 modes

  1. A shared mode, in which all the subscribers share the same kafka consumer, the advantage of this mode is that it is very lightweight, the downside is that a slow subscribers are immediately disconnected otherwise other subscribers will get the notification late (no back-pressure). This is the default mode.
val disposable: Disposable = notifier.subscribe("*").doOnNext{
    logger.debug("shared     subscriber got $it")
  1. stand-alone subscription on the other hand is a bit heavier because each subscriber get its own Kafka reactive consumer, this subscriber gets events as fast as it consumes them but not faster (back-pressure is working).
val standAloneDisposable: Disposable = notifier.subscribe("FOO *", SubscriberMode.Standalone).doOnNext{
    logger.debug("standalone subscriber got $it")

An example, cleaning Caffeine cache using notifications

package com.totango.notifier.example

import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine
import com.totango.notifier.client.Notifier
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
import org.springframework.boot.runApplication
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean
import reactor.core.Disposable
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

class NotifierApplication {

    fun runExample(notifier: Notifier): ApplicationRunner =
        ApplicationRunner {

    data class CachedValue(val payload: String)

    private fun example(notifier: Notifier){
        val cache: Cache<String, CachedValue> = Caffeine.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
        cache.put("880:ACCOUNT1", CachedValue("ACCOUNT1"))
        cache.put("880:ACCOUNT2", CachedValue("ACCOUNT2"))
        cache.put("880:ACCOUNT3", CachedValue("ACCOUNT3"))

        val disposable: Disposable = notifier.subscribe("880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ?").doOnNext{ event ->
           val key = "${event.tokens[0]}:${event.tokens[3]}"
            logger.info("invalidating $key")
            logger.info("cache contains ${cache.asMap()}")

        logger.info("cache contains ${cache.asMap()}")

        notifier.notify("880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT1").block()

        notifier.oneway("880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT3").block()

        notifier.notify("880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT3").block()

        notifier.notify("881 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT1").block()

        logger.info("at end, cache contains ${cache.asMap()}")


    companion object {
        var logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NotifierApplication::class.java)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

the output of the client should be something like:

2022-03-13 21:18:29.682  INFO [notifier-client,,] 57013 --- [           main] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : cache contains {880:ACCOUNT2=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT2), 880:ACCOUNT1=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT1), 880:ACCOUNT3=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT3)}
2022-03-13 21:18:30.181  INFO [notifier-client,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e] 57013 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : invalidating 880:ACCOUNT1
2022-03-13 21:18:30.184  INFO [notifier-client,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e] 57013 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : cache contains {880:ACCOUNT2=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT2), 880:ACCOUNT3=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT3)}
2022-03-13 21:18:30.185  INFO [notifier-client,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e] 57013 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : invalidating 880:ACCOUNT3
2022-03-13 21:18:30.186  INFO [notifier-client,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e] 57013 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : cache contains {880:ACCOUNT2=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT2)}
2022-03-13 21:18:30.188  INFO [notifier-client,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e] 57013 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : invalidating 880:ACCOUNT3
2022-03-13 21:18:30.188  INFO [notifier-client,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e,7eafddc7d9f9fe8e] 57013 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : cache contains {880:ACCOUNT2=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT2)}
2022-03-13 21:18:40.200  INFO [notifier-client,,] 57013 --- [           main] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : at end, cache contains {880:ACCOUNT2=CachedValue(payload=ACCOUNT2)}
2022-03-13 21:18:40.201 DEBUG [notifier-client,,] 57013 --- [           main] c.t.n.example.NotifierApplication        : Done

and the server

2022-03-13 21:21:53.019 DEBUG [notifier,,] 57042 --- [           main] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierApplication  : Event server ready WEBSOCKET 6565 /rsocket 
2022-03-13 21:21:53.019 DEBUG [notifier,,] 57042 --- [           main] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierApplication  : Zipkin             http://localhost:9411
2022-03-13 21:21:53.019 DEBUG [notifier,,] 57042 --- [           main] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierApplication  : Jaeger             http://localhost:16686
2022-03-13 21:22:00.134 DEBUG [notifier,b7621673249fbe5e,24ac47e0ddea97fb] 57042 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierController   : got a shared subscribe request, pattern: [880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ?]
2022-03-13 21:22:00.161 DEBUG [notifier,b7621673249fbe5e,24ac47e0ddea97fb] 57042 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] com.totango.notifier.server.Subscribers  : adding a shared subscription Subscription(pattern=[880, MODIFY, ACCOUNT, ?], emitter=FluxSink(ERROR), uid=c0d0b865-d1cd-40de-a076-81364badfd9d)
2022-03-13 21:22:00.171 DEBUG [notifier,b2fb5a2d3a242b61,3fc22abec39fa2e0] 57042 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierController   : got notification 880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT1
2022-03-13 21:22:00.281 DEBUG [notifier,b2fb5a2d3a242b61,85878a9d356bc44d] 57042 --- [otifier-group-1] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierProcessor    : shared dispatch notification [880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT1] to subscriber c0d0b865-d1cd-40de-a076-81364badfd9d because of subscription [880, MODIFY, ACCOUNT, ?]
2022-03-13 21:22:00.302 DEBUG [notifier,7ddd2fba4d1681bf,bdacd00dcd221c3b] 57042 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierController   : got notification 880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT3
2022-03-13 21:22:00.311 DEBUG [notifier,dfeb13611af19fb9,48b16aef9c28566d] 57042 --- [otifier-group-1] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierProcessor    : shared dispatch notification [880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT3] to subscriber c0d0b865-d1cd-40de-a076-81364badfd9d because of subscription [880, MODIFY, ACCOUNT, ?]
2022-03-13 21:22:00.317 DEBUG [notifier,7ddd2fba4d1681bf,f722e0a826cb207c] 57042 --- [otifier-group-1] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierProcessor    : shared dispatch notification [880 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT3] to subscriber c0d0b865-d1cd-40de-a076-81364badfd9d because of subscription [880, MODIFY, ACCOUNT, ?]
2022-03-13 21:22:00.323 DEBUG [notifier,7640da0a5858e66e,3b50eb851e05985e] 57042 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] c.t.notifier.server.NotifierController   : got notification 881 MODIFY ACCOUNT ACCOUNT1
2022-03-13 21:22:10.332 DEBUG [notifier,b7621673249fbe5e,24ac47e0ddea97fb] 57042 --- [ctor-http-nio-2] com.totango.notifier.server.Subscribers  : removing a shared subscription Subscription(pattern=[880, MODIFY, ACCOUNT, ?], emitter=FluxSink(ERROR), uid=c0d0b865-d1cd-40de-a076-81364badfd9d)