
A reddit like redux app, created as practice.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reddit like Redux App

This is a Reddit like, react, redux based application, created as practice.

Folder Structure & Architecture Decisions

Besides the standard redux folders structure (actions, reducers, etc... )

I have decided to stick to one file components & inline \ styled components.

By concept the idea was that most of the inline styling will happen inside the base components only, and maybe some inlineStyles will leak into regular presentation components, bit definitely inline styles shouldn't be inside container components, due to time limitations I did cut some corners, and added some inline styles in inappropriate places that do not follow the planned methodology. (but generally the project is structured in a way that targets this division)

I have divided the components to 3 different levels:

  • components/base - the base building blocks, here all the inline styling should occur, ideally the rest of the applications will use only components from here rather than regular html elements.
  • components app presentation components, contain the functional businesses related presentation components
  • containers Smart components that connect the presentation components to redux store, ideally no presentation implementation should be here (again due to time limits I sometimes did cut some corners)


  • user - the user middleware attaches the authenticated user to all actions, to make sure all reducers have idiomatic access to the current user, without violating the pure function principal.

Usage of libraries

As a concept whenever I found a suitable library that could match my needs I have preferred to use it rather then writing code from scratch.


  • TESTS due to lack of time I didn't add tests, but in real project, I would have started from tests, not the other way around.
  • Enforce single votes (didn't get to yet)
  • Refactor all the shortcuts to make sure all the code matches the components layers as described above.
  • Make it pretty

How To Run

To Run the project, just clone it, and run npm start

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Feel free to contact me with any questions :)