
showcase for Directus - example project at my Vue.js Israel Meetup talk

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Raffler (project to show off Directus SDK)

This project shows off how to connect the Directus JS SDK to a Directus instance in order to display the contents of a Postgres DB. It relates to this Vue.js Israel Meetup talk ( slides are here ) photos of the event

To see a rough outline of the steps I took in the repo, use doitlive with the included session.sh script

data from https://www.meetup.com/vue-js/events/292584374/attendees/

Directus on Render

Deploy to Render

Deployed demo to https://raffler-frontend.onrender.com/Raffle and to https://directus-846u.onrender.com/

alternative: docker compose

You can use docker compose for working locally.

docker-compose up and in a separate terminal ~/Projects/raffler/extensions/displays/photo-url$ npm run dev

To backup / restore your Render.com postgres db (free one deletes itself in 90 days) try something like https://docs.bit.io/docs/exporting-and-restoring-data-via-pg_dump-and-pg_restore using the render.com connection string with pg_dump and pg_restore .

comment out the docker compose part for directus and setup the db first if you want to use my data docker cp data/raffler.sql raffler_postgres_1:/home/raffler.sql in the container root@36714e21bde5:~/# psql -U directus < /home/raffler.sql

Misc cool Directus things to checkout

https://nuxt-directus.netlify.app/ Nuxt to Directus integration