The wrapper for your favourite Wordpress based sites that allows you to view them in one place.
- yarn install (if you are running app for the first time)
- expo start
- install expo on your device or start android/ios emulator
- if you have installed app scan qr code in order to open application
- if you have started emulator click on "run on android" or "run on ios"
- Expo
- Redux with redux-thunk (boilerplate without redux toolkit)
- Yarn (to increase performance we are using it instead of npm)
- Axios (makes api requests easier)
- React-native-web, react-native-webview, @formidable-webview/webshell (displaying wordpress posts with scallable webwiev)
- Eslint, husky, lint-staged
- Think if we really need it
- Make research about it (look for alternatives, find pros and cons of using it)
- Ask admin (@Vendari) if we can use it
- Install it with
expo install <package name> --yarn
- Think if we really need it
- Make research about it (look for alternatives, find pros and cons of using it)
- Ask admin (@Vendari) if we can use it
- Install it with
yarn add <package name> -D
- Eslint
- VS Code ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
- import your desired action from actions folder
- create mapStateToProps function where state is 'main redux object' and then access desired parametes by returning an object with them
- export your component with pattern:
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {<put your imported actions here>})(<component>);
- after this you can call your actions with
this.props.<name of action>
- and you can access your imported from redux state parameters with
this.props.<name of parameter>