an app for experimenting with docker and docker compose
the purpose of the application is a small guide api
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
[+] Running 2/2
- Container contactlist-db-1 Started 2.5s
- Container contactlist-1 Started 6.2s
now started my app, We can send requests with curl
curl http://localhost:8080/contacts
"data": [
"ID": 1,
"CreatedAt": "2022-03-05T20:41:28.346Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2022-03-05T20:41:28.346Z",
"DeletedAt": null,
"name": "baran can atbaş",
"Phone": "5554567788",
"Description": "bu benim hayalimdeki adam"
"ID": 2,
"CreatedAt": "2022-03-05T20:56:22.743Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2022-03-05T20:56:22.743Z",
"DeletedAt": null,
"name": "baran can atbaş",
"Phone": "5554567788",
"Description": "bu benim hayalimdeki adam"
"message": "pong"