
The Attendance Management System is a Java-based application designed to automate the process of recording and managing attendance for various courses. It provides functionalities for creating courses, adding attendance records, and generating attendance reports.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Attendance Management System

The Attendance Management System is a Java-based application designed to automate the process of recording and managing attendance for various courses. It provides functionalities for creating courses, adding attendance records, and generating attendance reports.


Arda Baran


The Attendance Management System facilitates efficient attendance tracking, enabling better decision-making and resource allocation based on attendance data


-Course Management: Allows users to create new courses with options to specify whether attendance is mandatory or not, along with the credit hours. -Attendance Recording: Enables users to add attendance records for each course, including details such as the week number, date, day, status (Present/Absent/Cancelled/Holiday), and duration. -Attendance Reporting: Provides comprehensive attendance reports for individual courses, displaying total present hours, absent hours, cancelled hours, national holiday hours, and the attendance rate. -User-Friendly Interface: Utilizes a command-line interface (CLI) with intuitive commands for easy navigation and interaction. -Data Persistence: Supports data persistence by storing attendance records in files, allowing users to retrieve and review attendance information even after the application is closed. -This Attendance Management System aims to streamline attendance monitoring processes for educational institutions, training programs, and other organizations. It promotes efficiency, accuracy, and transparency

Technologies And Data Structures Used

-Java -ArrayList -Linked List -Object Oriented Programming -file organization -Enum -LocalDate -Command Line Interface -BufferedWriter -FileWriter -IOException -DateTimeFormatter


-Clone the repository to your local machine using Git. -Navigate to the project directory and compile the Java application. -Execute the compiled Java application -Once the application is running, follow the instructions provided in the command-line interface (CLI) to perform various actions such as adding attendance records or generating attendance reports. -When prompted, provide input such as course names, attendance details, or commands like "add" or "report" to interact with the system. -After providing input, review the output displayed by the application, which includes attendance reports or confirmation messages. -To exit the application, use the "exit" command or press Ctrl+C in the terminal.

File Structure

  • src/: Contains the Java source code
  • resources/: txt file (e.g., ADA 407attendance.txt)