Predictive Insight

Predictive Insight is a system developed for ESP8266 microcontrollers to enable real-time monitoring and analysis of environmental data. This system gathers crucial information such as temperature, humidity, gas, and noise levels, transmitting it efficiently to a ThingSpeak channel for remote access and comprehensive examination.


  • Data Collection: Captures real-time environmental metrics including temperature, humidity, gas, and noise.
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity: Establishes a stable connection to a Wi-Fi network for seamless data transmission.
  • ThingSpeak Integration: Sends collected data to a ThingSpeak channel for remote monitoring and analysis.
  • Threshold-based Control: Includes conditional controls triggered by temperature variations to manage an output pin, ensuring swift responses to environmental changes.

Getting Started

To begin using Predictive Insight, follow these steps:

  1. Hardware Setup: Connect the ESP8266 microcontroller according to the provided guidelines.
  2. Software Installation: Upload the provided code to the microcontroller using the Arduino IDE or similar software.
  3. Configuration: Update the Wi-Fi credentials and ThingSpeak API keys in the code to match your network settings and channel information.
  4. Deployment: Power up the system and monitor the data transmission to the ThingSpeak channel.


This system is designed to provide a seamless method for collecting and monitoring environmental data. Refer to the provided code documentation for further insights into customization and advanced features.


We welcome contributions to enhance Predictive Insight. Feel free to fork this repository, make improvements, and submit pull requests.


Special thanks to the ESP8266WiFi library, ThingSpeak, and DHT sensor libraries for their valuable contributions to this project.