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Referee report and responses ACOM 2021
#23 opened by labarba - 0
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why is speedup of Stokes not higher, even?
#2 opened by labarba - 13
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All tests were done with preconditioned GMRES?
#13 opened by labarba - 2
Is the error bound used to pick the relaxed p?
#14 opened by labarba - 14
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We need the code on GitHub
#12 opened by labarba - 4
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double-check Taylor-expansion FMM equation
#10 opened by labarba - 7
Are the errors normalized?
#4 opened by labarba - 5
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Why are we not able to run a problem of the same size as the example in Liu's book?
#6 opened by labarba - 2
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grid-convergence with Stokes uses relaxation?
#1 opened by labarba