
JavaScript implementation of NKN wallet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JavaScript implementation of NKN wallet.

Note: This repository is in the early development stage and may not have all functions working properly. It should be used only for testing now.


npm install
grunt dist


For browser, use dist/nkn-wallet.js or dist/nkn-wallet.min.js.

NKN wallet only stores some static information such as encrypted private keys, addresses and so on. All dynamic information needs to be queried from a running nkn node. So you need some configure first before you use the wallet sdk.

First of all, set the node you want to link and the NKN token id:

    assetId: 'NKN Token ID',
    rpcNode: "",
    rpcPort: "30003"

Then you can do everything you want to with the wallet sdk.


  • nknWalletSDK
 * global configuration:
 * {
 *  assetId: '',  // the NKN Token id
 *  rpcNode:'',   // node ip for dynamic information query
 *  rpcPort:'',   // node port for dynamic information query
 * }
 * @param config | Object
 * create a new wallet
 * @param password : string : the password to encrypt wallet
 * @returns {NknWallet} : a NknWallet instance
 * load wallet from json string
 * @param walletJson : string : a json format wallet
 * @param password : string : password for this wallet
 * @returns {NknWallet | null} : return NknWallet instance or null if key information is missing.
 * !this method will thow an error if the password is wrong!
nknWalletSDK.loadJsonWallet(walletJson, password)
 * restore a wallet from private key
 * @param privateKey : string : the private key for wallet restore
 * @param password : string : password for new wallet
 * @returns {NknWallet} : a NknWallet instance
nknWalletSDK.restoreWalletByPrivateKey(privateKey, password)
  • NknWallet

All of the following methods are instance methods

 * generate wallet json
 * @returns {string} : wallet json
 * get the public key of this wallet
 * @returns {string} : the public key of this wallet
 * get the private key of this wallet
 * @returns {string} : the private key of this wallet
 * !!! anyone with the private key has the power to restore a full-featured wallet !!!!
 * transfer nkn to some valid address
 * @param toAddress : string : valid nkn address
 * @param value : number : value for transfer
 * @param password : string : wallet password
 * @param success : function : callback for transfer success
 * @param fail : function : callback for all errors that happened in transfer
 * !!! the fail function will be called for any transfer errors  
 *     and the parameter applied is a WalletError instance. !!!
transferTo(toAddress, value, password, success, fail)
 * query asset balance
 * @param success : function : callback for query success and the parameter is a decimal.js instance
 * @param fail : function : callback for query fail
 * @returns {boolean} : true for http request success and false for fail
queryAssetBalance(success, fail)
 * recharge the prepaid balance
 * @param value : number : how much NKN you want to prepay
 * @param rates : number : how much NKN you want to pay for one data transfer
 * @param password : string : password for this wallet
 * @param success : function : callback for prepay success
 * @param fail : function : callback for prepay failed
prepay(value, rates, password, success, fail)
 * query the prepay balance
 * @param success : function(data) : callback for query success
 *                                    the data's will be an object like this {Amount: string, Rates: string}
 * @param fail : function : callback for query failed.
queryPrepaiedInfo(success, fail)


//create a new wallet
const wallet = nknWallet.newWallet('pwd')

//get wallet's json string
const walletJson = wallet.toJSON()

//load wallet from a wallet json string
const walletFromJson = nknWallet.loadJsonWallet(walletJson, 'pwd')

//restore wallet from a private key
const walletFromPrivateKey = nknWallet.restoreWalletByPrivateKey('the private key', 'new-wallet-password')

//transfer asset to some address
wallet.transferTo('some valid address', 100, 'pwd', 
  function(data) {
    console.log('success: ', data)
   function(error) {
    console.log('fail: ', error)
//query asset balance for this wallet
  function(value) {
    console.log('asset balance for this wallet is: ', value.toString())
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('query balance fail: ', error)