
A dark colorscheme with vibrant colors

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A dark colorscheme with vibrant colors.


  1. Using your plugin manager of choice and placing flrnprz/candid.vim in your .vimrc file. or
  2. clone this directory into your vim/plugged directory
set background=dark
syntax on
colorscheme candid

"" if you use lightline
" Lightline
let g:lightline = { 'colorscheme': 'candid' }

Color Palette

Color Name Syntax
#fb7da7 #FB7DA7 Tickle me pink Statement
#a18bd3 #A18BD3 Blue bell Identifier, function
#ffce5b #FFCE5B Mustard String
#50c6d8 #50C6D8 Sea serpent Constant, Type
#2cda9d #2CDA9D Eucalyptus Special
#4C8273 #4C8273 Viridian Comment
#1c1c1c #1c1c1c Pale black Menu
#818e8e #818E8E Mummys tomb Punctuation, noise
#efeeea #EFEEEA Isabelline Foreground
#2f343f #2F343F Raisin black Background