
A codecademy practice project on automated tests

Primary LanguagePython


This is an educational public repository to illustrate the power of automated testing through Github Actions.

Run locally

  1. Set up Python virtual environment.
python -m venv venv
  1. Install required dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run unit tests.
python -m pytest
  1. Run the app.
python app.py

Code Description

  1. app.py: A flask application that exposes the following API endpoints:
  • index at / : Retun a JSON data structure indicating the current balance.
  • deposit at /deposit : Take the deposit amount as a URL parameter and return the new balance after adding the amount.
  • withdraw at /withdraw : Take the withdrawal amount as a URL parameter and return the new balance after subtracting the amount. App relies on a global in-memory variable (balance) to store the balance of the account.
  1. requirements.txt: A text file including all the Python libraries and packages needed to run the app.

  2. .gitignore: Refer to the gitignore article for more details. In short, this file makes it possible that local configuration or binary files are not pushed to the repository.

  3. tests: It's a directory that includes several unit tests for the APIs. The tests utilize the PyTest library.