Practical Test

By: Luis Diego Hernandez

Install MySQL server

If you are using Debian or Ubuntu, use the APT repository to install MySQL server sudo apt-get install mysql-server

If you are using a different distribution of Linux, refer to the official documentation:

When prompted, type a password for the root user to access MySQL.

Install Node.js and NPM

Make sure you have Node installed on your machine (NPM will be installed along with Node).

Check the Node.js downloads page for information on how to install:

Install Swagger

To install Swagger, use npm:

npm install -g swagger

You might need to add sudo to install globally:

sudo npm install -g swagger

Configure the project for the first time

Make sure the current directory is the project directory. Once there, install all dependencies:

npm install

Run the MySQL script to create the database and user to use with the project:


Running the project

To start the project, use Swagger:

swagger project start

The project will run in localhost:10010