
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Multi-Model Exercise

This exercise details the process of using InterSystems IRIS® data platform multi-model capability to create a Node.js application that sends JSON data straight to your database instance without any parsing or mapping.

In this exercise, we will use Python, JavaScript, and InterSystems ObjectScript to interact with data from different contexts, following these steps:

  1. Use Python to create a table schema using standard SQL statements.
  2. Modify the underlying ObjectScript class for that table to allow it to receive and persist JSON data directly.
  3. Create a simple Node.js application that will send JSON files to the instance of InterSystems IRIS.
  4. Query that database using Python again to see how the same data could be accessed in multiple languages from multiple contexts.

Installation steps

It is recommended that you use the InterSystems IRIS Sandbox to run this exercise. If you do so, skip the first installation step and begin the exercise with step # 2.

  1. This exercise requires the 64-bit version of Python 3.

    • If you already have Python installed, be sure to check what bit version you are using by launching the python shell by typing python . If the version is 2, try quitting the shell (control-z + enter on Windows, or control-d on macOS) and typing python3 .

    • Install Python by going here https://www.python.org/downloads/ (be sure to check off 'Add Python to environment variables' in the 'Advanced Options' section of the installation.

    • Note: do not click the 'Download Python 3.7.4' button directly on that site as it might download the 32 bit version of python, which will not work with the exercise. Select the link to your operating system and download the 64 bit Python file.

    • You may need to restart your terminal or even add python to the PATH environment variable if the python command does not work after installing python.

  2. Open the InterSystems IRIS sandbox IDE. If you are completing this exercise on your local machine, open Visual Studio Code, which can be downloaded here.

  3. Begin by cloning this repository: git clone https://github.com/intersystems/multi-model-exercise.

  4. Open the connections.config file in the top-level directory. Enter the InterSystems IP and Port listed for your InterSystems IRIS instance and click Save. If you are using the InterSystems IRIS sandbox instance, update the IP and Port fields to match the ‘Server IP Address’ and 'Server Port' fields found in your sandbox. If you are using the InterSystems InterSystems IRIS community edition through Docker, you will need to follow a few extra steps:

    • Install Docker
    • Run docker run --name my-iris2 -d -p 52773:52773 -p 51773:51773 store/intersystems/iris-community:2020.
    • Navigate to http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen and update your password. If necessary, replace 'localhost' with your computer's IP address
    • Change your password in the connections.config file to the one you chose. Change the port value to 51773 and change the IP to 'localhost' or your computer's IP address.

Create The Table Schema Using Python

  1. Install and configure Python

    • Run cd ./python
    • On the sandbox:
      • Run odbcinst -i -d -f pyodbc_wheel/linux/odbcinst.ini
    • On macOS:
      • Install homebrew
      • Run brew install unixodbc
      • Run odbcinst -i -d -f pyodbc_wheel/mac/odbcinst.ini
      • Run pip install pip==7.1.2
      • Run pip install --upgrade --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-I/usr/local/include" --global-option="-L/usr/local/lib" --allow-external pyodbc --allow-unverified pyodbc pyodbc
    • On Windows:
      • Run ./pyodbc_wheel/ODBC-2019.1.0.510.0-win_x64.exe
      • Run pip install pyodbc
        • If the pip command is not recognized, you can also use py -m pip install for any pip installation command.
  2. In the IDE provided with your sandbox or Visual Studio Code, open python/createSchema.py and scroll down to the create_employee function. Below the function declaration, uncomment the following code:

    create_employee = """
    	CREATE TABLE Demo.Employee(
    	    Name varchar(256),
    	    Title varchar(256), 
    	    Department varchar(50)

    As you can see, this is a standard SQL create statement that will generate an Employee table on your InterSystems IRIS instance.

    Note: if you are using python 2 or earlier, follow the commented instructions in createschema.py in the connect_to_iris() function to configure the connection properly.

  3. Run python createSchema.py. If successful, the terminal will output Created table Demo.Employee successfully.

    • Note: This exercise is configured for Python 3. For some users, you may need to run python3 createSchema.py if the python command defaults to Python 2.
  4. Confirm that the Demo.Employee table has been created.

    1. Open the Management Portal by following the link provided when you created your instance of the InterSystems IRIS sandbox. If you are using the Docker container, go to http://localhost:52773/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen.
    2. Navigate to System Explorer > SQL and expand the Tables section. Find Demo.Employee in the list.

Modify the table class using InterSystems ObjectScript

Setting Up the Visual Studio Code ObjectScript Extension

  1. Install InterSystems Visual Studio Code, if you have not already done so.

  2. Open Visual Studio code. In the Extensions Manager, search for and install the InterSystems ObjectScript extension.

  3. Select a folder for your workspace by selecting Open Folder in the File Explorer, or File > Open. Select or create a folder on your local machine to store settings specific to your workspace.

  4. Open your Visual Studio Code settings (File (or Code if on macOS) > Preferences > Settings > InterSystems ObjectScript and select Edit in settings.json. Paste the following JSON, filling in the settings for your InterSystems IRIS instance connection:

    	"objectscript.conn": {
    		"active": true, 
    		"label": "LOCAL",
    		"host": "<ip for your instance>", // If using Sandbox, use the Atelier Server Address provided.
    		"port": 80, // If using Sandbox, the Atelier Server Port provided.
    		"username": "tech",
    		"password": "demo",
    		"ns": "USER", // this is the namespace you wish to connect to 
    		"https": false
  5. Navigate to the ObjectScript extension in your Visual Studio Code, right click Classes/Demo/Employee.cls and select Export.

  6. Navigate to the File Explorer and open the newly created src/Demo/Employee.cls file.

Modifying Classes With Visual Studio Code

  1. At the top of the Demo.Employee class, change Extends %Persistent to Extends (%Persistent, %JSON.Adaptor).

InterSystems ObjectScript is an object-oriented programming language that supports multiple inheritance. This means that by inheriting the %JSON.Adaptor class, your table is now automatically able to import JSON data into instances. For more information on the %JSON.Adaptor class read Using the JSON Adaptor.

  1. Because our table includes an auto-incremented primary key, we need to tell the JSON.Adaptor class not to look for that field in incoming JSON files, but to output it as a field when exporting class instances to JSON format. To do this, find the ID property in the Employee class and add (%JSONINCLUDE = "outputonly") after %Library.AutoIncrement.

  2. Before we can run this file, we need to add one small class method to expose the functionality of the %JSON.Adaptor class to the Native API (and, by extension, to our Node.js application). Below the Property and Parameter declarations in the Demo.Employee class, paste the following code.

ClassMethod fromJSON(jsonString as %String) As %Status

	set employee = ..%New() 		//create a new class instance
	do employee.%JSONImport(jsonString) 	//call the %JSON.Adapter instance method to import JSON string
	set employee.ID = 0 			//this field must be set to 0 for the %Library.AutoIncrement class to increment correctly

	set status =  employee.%Save() 		//this persists the instance

	return status
  1. Make sure to recompile the Demo.Employee class by saving it. You have now configured your SQL table class to receive JSON data and automatically create a new record from it.

Note: The completed ObjectScript Employee class is included in this repository for your reference at ObjectScript/Demo.Employee.cls.

Create A Node.js App to send JSON files to your database.

  1. If you do not have Node.js installed locally, download and install it here. If you are using the InterSystems IRIS sandbox, you can skip this step.

    • Note: once Node.js is installed, you may need to restart your terminal in order for it to recognize node commands.
  2. Run cd ../nodeApp

  3. Create a new file called record.json containing the following JSON object:

    	"Name": "JJ Smith",
    	"Title": "Software Engineer",
    	"Department": "Engineering"
  4. Run npm install --save intersystems-iris-native. This installs the InterSystems IRIS Native API, which enables you to both access the underlying data structures in your database, and to call ObjectScript class methods directly from your code.

  5. Open the app.js file. Navigate to const Iris = connection.createIris() and uncomment the following lines:

    let record = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./record.json", "utf8"))
    Iris.classMethodValue("Demo.Employee", "fromJSON", JSON.stringify(record))
    console.log(`Created new record in Demo.Employee table.`)

    This code calls a class method using the Native API and passes a JSON string as a parameter. For more information, see Calling ObjectScript Methods and Functions

  6. In the terminal, type node app.js. The node application will output that it has created a new record.

Query The Database With Python

  1. cd back into the Python directory (cd ../python)

  2. Run python query.py. You should see the results of the SQL query, which includes the record of JJ Smith that you inserted using Node.js.


Problem Likely Solution
I get a 'Data source name not found' error when I run python createSchema.py You may have the 32-bit version of Python installed on your computer instead of the 64-bit.
My node.js app quits unexpectedly when I click Submit. Make sure that you click Save in Visual Studio Code and that the class compiled successfully.
I'm on a Windows and the python command is not recognized. Be sure to add python to your environment variables.

Further Resources