Oraq (Ordered redis asynchronous queue) is a cross process, cross server, fast, reliable and lightweight redis-based async queue for Node.
- super fast
- cross process
- easy to use
Supports node.js >= 7.6.0.
npm install --save oraq
const Oraq = require('oraq');
const oraq = new Oraq({
id: 'myQueue',
concurrency: 1
const job = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(ms), ms));
// do a lot of heavy jobs with concurrency 1
].map(delay => oraq.limit(job, {jobData: delay})))
.then(jobResults => console.log(jobResults));
const oraq = new Oraq({
id, // id {string} (limiters with the same prefix and id share their queues, "queue" by default)
prefix, // custom redis key prefix {string} ("oraq" by default)
connection, // redis connection param {any} (anything that ioredis constructor supports)
ping, // processing job keep alive interval in ms {integer} (60000 by default)
timeout, // job will run after this time {integer} (in case of too long previous tasks processing, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (2 hours) by default)
concurrency, // jobs concurrency {integer} (1 by default)
mode // mode {string} ("limiter" - rate limiter (no order guarantee) or "queue" - real queue (keep order), "queue" by default)
const oraq = new Oraq();
job, // job {function}
jobOptions = { // job options {object}
jobId, // job id {string} (random string by default)
jobData, // data to pass as an argument to the job {any}
lifo // last-in-first-out {boolean} (false by default)
).then(jobResult => console.log(jobResult));
oraq.quit() // same as ioredis quit method (used to close redis connection)
.then(() => console.log('Redis connection is closed'));
oraq.removeJobById('jobId') // remove job from pending queue
.then(() => console.log('Job is removed'));
npm test
MIT © Yevhen Samoilenko