
Generate and claim spender permits (EIP-2612)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Generate Permit

Tool for generating offline permits for bounty hunters to withdraw their payments.

How to setup

Create a .env file in the project root:

# common variables
CHAIN_ID="" # mainnet: 1, goerli: 5
PAYMENT_TOKEN_ADDRESS="" # // DAI address, mainnet: 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f, goerli: 0x11fE4B6AE13d2a6055C8D9cF65c55bac32B5d844
# variables depending on spender (bounty hunter)
AMOUNT_IN_ETH="1" # amount in ether, 1 AMOUNT_IN_ETH = 1000000000000000000 WEI

How it works

  1. Admin sets env.AMOUNT_IN_ETH and env.BENEFICIARY_ADDRESS depending on a bounty hunter's reward and address
  2. Admin generates an offline permit URL via npx tsx generate-permit2-url.ts. Permit URL example:
  1. Admin posts offline permit URL in issue comments
  2. Bounty hunter opens permit URL, connects wallet and clicks a "withdraw" button to get a payment

How to test locally

  1. Set .env variables.
  2. Run anvil --chain-id 31337 --fork-url https://rpc.gnosis.gateway.fm in a separate terminal.
  3. Run the Anvil commands (uses the Anvil default wallets).
  4. In the project root run yarn start.
  5. A permit URL for both ERC20 and ERC721 is generated in the terminal.
  6. Open the generated permit URL defaulting to the variable values in the .env file.
  7. Connect the bounty hunter's address.
  8. Click the "withdraw" button to get a reward.
  9. Testing the ERC721 permit is easiest deploying the nft-rewards contract from the repository

Anvil commands

Using any other --chain-id will hit real RPC endpoints.
cast rpc anvil_impersonateAccount 0xba12222222228d8ba445958a75a0704d566bf2c8 &
cast send 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d --unlocked --from 0xba12222222228d8ba445958a75a0704d566bf2c8 "transfer(address,uint256)(bool)" 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8  337888400000000000000000 &
cast send 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d --unlocked --from 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 "approve(address,uint256)(bool)" 0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3  9999999999999991111111119999999999999999 &
cast send 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d --unlocked --from 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 "approve(address,uint256)(bool)" 0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3  999999999999999111119999999999999999

CloudFlare Setup (GitHub Secrets)

(Here `abcd1234` is your account ID)
https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens > Create Token > API token templates > Edit Cloudflare Workers > Use Template
Account Resources = All Accounts or Target Account
Zone Resources = All Zones
(Detailed Instructions: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/wrangler/ci-cd/)
npm install -g wrangler
wrangler login
wrangler pages project create

How to invalidate a permit2 nonce by example

This section describes how to invalidate the following permit (i.e. invalidate a permit2 nonce)

  1. Setup .env file with the required env variables: NONCE (nonce number), NONCE_SIGNER_ADDRESS (i.e. the bot's wallet) and RPC_PROVIDER_URL. For this permit URL the .env file will look like this:
  1. Run yarn nonce:get-invalidate-params. You will get this output:
== Logs ==
Is nonce used: false
Params for nonce invalidation via invalidateUnorderedNonces()
wordPos: 38546759713464022417249814357816425839260524210406474107492314770593722479
mask: 72057594037927936

  1. Open https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3#writeContract and connect your wallet
  2. Call invalidateUnorderedNonces() with the wordPos and mask params you got on step 2

Notice that this examples uses gnosis chain for nonce invalidation. If you need to invalidate nonce on some other chain then:

  1. Set RPC_PROVIDER_URL on step 1 to the desired RPC chain provider
  2. On step 3 open UI for the desired chain