
Generate random die rolls for RPGs (et al)

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION


THIS MODULE IS STILL UNDERGOING DEVELOPMENT.  It is not complete yet.  The description below
describes what it _will_ do, not what it does now.

You can use this module to generate a roll of an N-sided die, or many N-sided dice.  Notation is
standard RPG (such as D&D) notation, but extended with some custom operators.  Examples:

	# D&D
	my @results = roll("3d6");		# returns 3 random numbers, each from 1 to 6
	my $result = roll("3d6");		# same thing, but add them together and return the sum
	my $result = roll("3+d6");		# roll 4d6, drop the lowest result, return sum of the rest
	my $result = roll("3++d6");		# same thing, but best 3 out of 5
	my $result = roll("3*d6");		# "first die full" (same as 2d6 + 6)
	my $result = roll("3**d6");		# same as 1d6 + 12
	my $result = roll("3^d6");		# 3d6, but any 1s count as 2s
	my $result = roll("3^^d6");		# 1s and 2s count as 3s
	my $result = roll("3^*++d6");	# can make wacky combos
	my $result = roll("3+*+^d6");	# order of the symbols doesn't matter
	my $result = roll("d%");		# return a number between 1 and 100
	my $result = roll("85@d%");		# return 1 if d% is 85 or higher, else 0
	# Storyteller
	my $result = roll("7@5d10");	# instead of sum, return count of results that are >= 7
	my @result = roll("7@5d10");	# *exactly* the same as roll("5d10") in list context
	my $result = roll("7@5&d10");	# a 10 counts as a 10, plus you roll another d10
	my $result = roll("7@5&&d10");	# reroll 9s and 10s
	# Fudge
	my $result = roll("4dF");		# returns a number between -4 and 4
	# Heroscape
	my $result = roll("3A");		# roll 3 attack dice; return number of skulls
	my $result = roll("3D");		# roll 3 defense dice; return number of shields
	my $result = roll("3V");		# roll 3 Valkyrie dice; return number of Valkyrie symbols
	my $result = roll("3&A");		# 3 Valk dice, reroll symbols, return number of skulls


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

Alternatively, to install with Module::Build, you can use the
following commands:

    perl Build.PL
    ./Build test
    ./Build install




Copyright (C) 2011, Buddy Burden

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.