
Common styles, templates, and library functions for AdmitHub apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Common styles, templates, and library functions and classes for AdmitHub apps



Records the history of email exchanges between student user and instution. Fields:

  • applicantId Type: String. Required. Deprecated. This was the _id on the brandedApplicants document corresponding to the user. it is now identical to the userId -- i.e., it is the _id of the brandedUserProfile document of the relevant student user. I think it is non-functional. (To do: eliminate this.)
  • messages: Type: [Object]. Required. An array containing object that record information about the messages exchanges between the student user and the institution. Subfields:
    • body Type: String. Required. The text of the message.
    • created Type: Date. Required. Date the message was created. (To do: change name to createdAt.)
    • sender Type: String. Required. Allowed values: student, college, admithub. Indicates the source of the message.
    • auto Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates whether the email was auto-generated becaue of the topic returned by Holocene. (To do: make this required.)
    • email Type: String. Optional. The email address at the institution to which the email was sent, or from which it was received. (To do: make this required.)
    • logId Type: String. Optional. Currently in transition -- the intended usage is that this be the _id of the smsLog document associated with the incoming or outgoing message.
    • unverified Type: Boolean. Optional. Set as true on all emails received at the /api/receiveEmail endpoint. That includes all emails from an institution that respond to an auto-generated or triager-generated email. This is used to filter those messages that get sent as part of the body of an email forwarded to an institution. (To do: verify this is desired behaviour. If not, get rid of it.)
  • brandedCollegeId: Type: String. Optional. The _id of the brandedCollege document of the relevant institution. (To do: make this required, until we merge the _id and messagingService fields of the brandedCollege document, then either get rid of this one or messaginService.)
  • created: Type: Date. Optional. The date the document was created. (To do: change name to createdAt if this name isn't necessary for metabase. (A comment suggests it is necessary for metabase.) Make required.)
  • handled Type: Boolean. Optional. Default value: false. Indicates if the user interaction has been handled to completion or not (It think). Toggled in the UI. Used to filter messages that appear in the UI. (To do: make this required.)
  • messagingService: Type: String. Optional. The messagingService field on the relevant institutions brandedUserProfile document. (To do: make this required. And see brandedCollegeId.)
  • userId: Type: String. Optional. The _id of the brandedUserProfile document of the relevant student user. (To do: make this required.)


Deprecated. Some kind of pre brandedUserProfile user document.


Documents containing details about partner institutions. messagingService and messagingServiceSid values must be unique (or empty). Fields:

  • aiSubject Type: String. Required. A string used as part of the input contexts passed to Holocene calls.
  • disabledFeatures Type: [String]. Required. Default value: empty array. Front-end uses this to determine what opt-out features the insitution dis not have access to. (To do: see enabledFeatures.)
  • emailDomains Type: [String]. Required. The system will accept emails, for the relevant messaging service, from any address that has a domain name that appears in this array. The system will not accept any other emails.
  • messagingService: Type: String. Required. Name of the messaging service of the institution. (To do: make only one of this and _id exist.)
  • name Type: String. Required. Full name of the institution.
  • oliName Type: String. Required. Name of the bot personality. (To do: consider changing name. Though maybe we want to keep it for nostalgia resons.)
  • abbr Type: String. Optional. Abbreviated form of the institution's name.
  • animal Type: String. Optional. The species (or whatever) of the institution's mascot.
  • collection Deprecated Type: String. Optional. The collection of user documents associated with the institution. (To do: get rid of this, unless we decide we do want to use seperate collections after all.)
  • collegeId Deprecated Type: String. Optional. Regex: Simple-schema style id. What used to be the id of the institution in the college documents. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • counselors Type: [Object]. Optional. Default value: empty array. Blackbox. I think a list of counselors. If so, this is deprecated. (To do: confirm usage, and probably get rid of it. Also, no need for default value. Also, eliminate black boxes, if possible.)
  • csvTransformPipeline Type: [String] Optional. Default value: empty array. Strings are code in mini-language used to transform csv file data before it's given to the upload function. (To do: remove default value.)
  • dateAccepted Type: String. Optional. The date by which acceptance decisions are announced by the institution. (To do: think about if we should have fields like this. We can use them in templating for cross-institutional dialogs, but the common practice seems to be to make dialogs that need this sort of thing ad hoc for each instution, so these don't get used much. This particular one, for instance, doesn't exist on any current brandedUserProfile document. Also, I think we should encourage the ad-hoc dialog creation, because it is something partner institutions can do themselves.)
  • dateScholarship Type: String. Optional. Unclear; either the date by which scholarship decisions are made, or the date by which scholarship applications are due. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • departments Type: [Object]. Optional. Default value: empty array. Blackbox. I think a list of information concerning the schools departments. (To do: remove default value, eliminate blackbox. Determine usage. Possibly eliminate.)
  • dialogSettings Type: Object. Optional. Settings used to control behaviour around the dialog returned to users. (To do: make this required.) Subfields:
    • botOffDialog Type: String. Optional. The _id of the dialog document of the dialog sent to users when the bot is otherwise non-functional (in the event that we want there to be such a dialog).
    • botOffNoDialog Type: Boolean. Optional. Return no dialog under any circumstances, if value is true; bot is non-functional. (To do: consider changing name; the symmetry with botOffDialog suggests this should be a string. But I can't think of a great alternative.)
    • createAndIntroDialog: Type: String. Optional
    • knownNonContactedStudentDialog: Type: String. Optional. Field not currently in use. Originally intended for a sub-case of the cases where unknownStudentDialogBotOn are used: specifically those students who have yet to have interacted with the system, but are known to the system via import. We can in the future distinguish that case from the completely unknown case, if we want.
    • unknownStudentDialogBotOff: Type: String. Optional. The _id of the dialog document of the dialog sent to users who have been deliberately barred from the system, which by default is all unknown users for a closed bot. If this field doesn't exist, users are sent filterBot in those circumstances. (To do: change name.)
    • unknownStudentDialogBotOn Type: String. Optional. The _id of the dialog document of the dialog sent to users if they intitate a conversation without ever having interacted with the bot. If this field does not exist, the user is, in those circumstances, sent defaultUnknownStudentDialogBotOn (To do: change the name.)
    • finishedConversationDialog Type: String. Optional. I think this was intended for users who, for whatever reason, we've decided we for users we don't want to talk to any further, like users who have identified as parents. It's the _id on the dialog of the intended dialog. (To do: confirm use case; if confirmed, remove either this or unknownStudentDialogBotOff; this seems to replicate functionality.)
  • emailPrefix Type: String. Optional. Deprecated Used in some way in the old Oli matching system. (To do: get rid of it.)
  • enabledFeatures. Type: [String]. Optional. Default value: empty array. Used on the front end to determine which opt-in features the institution has access to. (Either make this required, or make disabledFeatues optional. If this field is left optional, remove default value.)
  • facebookId: Type: String. Optional. The id of the facebook page using our facebook app that is associated with the institution.
  • filterOn Type: Boolean. Optional. The field that distinguished open bots (value false) from closed bots (value true). (To do: move this to dialogSettings. Make required.)
  • hashtag Type: String. Optional. The hashtag used for social media campaigns. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • infoGatheringBot Type: String. Optional. Dialog scheduled after the initial dialog in an open bot. (To do: move this to dialogSettings.
  • intentDeadline Type: Date. Optional. Deadline by which students must fill intent-to-enroll paperwork. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • internalFieldMapping: Type: Object. Optional. Default value: empty object. Blackbox. Maps csv column headings to fields on our documents. (To do: un-black-box. Either make required or take away default value.)
  • introKnownProspectBotPhoto Type: String. Optional. Default value: empty string. Url of a photo used in the (not currently existing) introKnownProspectBot dialog. (To do: see dateAccepted. Also, there's no reason to have a default value here for an optional field.)
  • linkAcceptAid Type: String. Optional. Link to website at which a student can accept financial aid from the institution. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkAdmit Type: String. Optional. A link admitted students use to see what next steps to take. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkCounselors Type: String. Optional. Link for students to learn more about the instution's counselors. Used in the old filterBot. (To do: add templating in filterBot to use this.)
  • linkIncompleteApplication: Type: String. Optional. Unclear; no current appearance in code or data. Presumably something a link for students to compelte an incomplete application. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkFafsa Type: String. Optional. Link to information about the FAFSA. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkFinAid Type: String. Optional. Link to information about the institutions financial aid. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkIntentToEnroll Type: String. Optional. Link to the institutions intent-to-enroll form. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkOrientationChecklist Type: String. Optional. Link to information about steps involved in orientation. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkOrientationInfo Type: String. Optional. Blah blah. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkTourSignUp Type: String. Optional. You get the idea. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • linkVisitTips Type: String. Optional. And again. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • mediaCongrats Type: String. Optional. Media used in dialog congratulation student on acceptance. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • mediaMascot Type: String. Optional. Media of the instutions mascot.
  • messagingServiceSid Type: String. Optional. A string used by Twilio to identify the messaging service of the institution.
  • phoneFinAid Type: String. Optional. Phone number to call at institution to learn about financial aid. (To do: see dateAccepted.)
  • prependCounselorResponse: Type: String. Optional. Prepends counselor response to emails, e.g. "Your officer replied to your question...". Not currently functional. (To do: make this functional. Have a default, so it's not required.)
  • primaryBrandColor Type: String. Optional. Primary colour representing the institution.
  • promptFilter Type: String. Optional. Apparently I added this, but I have no idea why, and it seems to be completely unfunctional. (To do; get rid of it.)
  • studentFieldMapping Type: Object. Optional. Default value: empty object. Blackbox.
  • tuitionDueDate Type: Date. Optional. Date by which stuent tuition is due. (To do, see dateAccepted.)
  • voiceMail Type: String. Optional. Message spoken (poorly) when the user calls the relevant phone number. The system uses a default message when this field is absent.


User document for student users. collegeId-_phone and collegeId-_facebookId pairs must be unique.

  • collegeId Type: String. Required. Value of _id field on the BrandedCollege document of the institution associated with the student.
  • crmId type: String. Required. Identifier used specifically by GSU. (To do: make this optional.)
  • userId Type: String. Required. Deprecated. _id on the user document corresponding to the brandedUserProfile. There is no such document now; the userschema is reserved for Phoenix and Mascot users. This field is now identical to the _id field. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • created Type: Date. Required. Date of creation of the user document. (To do: make this createdAt (or change the convention on other documents.))
  • abGroup Type: Number. Optional. Real number between 0 and 1, chosen at random; used for A/B testing. (To do: make this required.)
  • application Type: Object. Optional. Record information about the status of a user's application. Subfields:
    • id Type: String. Optional. Id used by institution to record the application information.
    • appCompleteDate Type: Date. Optional. Date the application was completed, if it was.
    • applicationType Type: String. Optional. Unclear meaning; no existing document has this field. (To do: see if this is still wanted, if not, get rid of it.)
    • decisionDate Type: Date. Optional. Date the institution made a decision about enrollment, if it did.
    • decisionType Type: String. Optional. Not enforced, but intended values are "Early Action" and "Regular Decision" (perhaps others, but that's all I could find.) (To do: enforce.)
    • missingDocuments Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student's application is missing any documents.
    • receivedHSTranscript Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the institution has received the student's high school transcript.
    • status Type: String. Optional. This is not enforced, but intended values are, in chronological order of progression, "Suspect", "Prospect", "Applicant: Incomplete", "Applicant: Complete", "Applicant: Success Academy" (this is Georgia State specific), "Applicant: Defer", "Applicant: Denied", "Applicant: Withdrawn", "Admit", "Confirmed", "Enrolled". (To do: enforce this.)
    • statusExtended Type: String. Optional. Records further notes (further to the status field) on the status of the application. Example: "Accept: Final No Letter".
  • college Type: String. Optional. Unclear intended usage; I think this is a duplicate field of collegeName or collegeId. No current document has this field. (To do: determine if this is needed, if not, get rid of it.)
  • collegeName: Type: String. Optional. Name of the institution associated with the student.
  • dob: Type: Date. Optional. Date of birth of the student.
  • email: Type: String. Optional. Email address of the student. (To do: enforce email-address syntax.)
  • enrollmentId: Type: String. Optional. Not totally clear; has some specific meaning for GSU (their "panther Id").
  • entryTerm Type: String. Optional. Term of student's enrollment in the institution. (To do: enforce intended values -- things like Fall, Spring).
  • entryYear Type: Number. Optional. Year of student's enrollment
  • facebookId Type: String. Optional. Facebook id of student.
  • facebookOptIn Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if student has opted in to receiving push messages on facebook. (To do: think about whether we should nest facebook related fields as sub-fields.
  • finAid Type: Object. Optional. Records information about the student's finanical aid status. Sub-fields:
    • acceptedFedLoan Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student has accepted a federal loan.
    • acceptedOfferInternal Type: Boolean. Optional. Unclear intended usage. No existing document has this field. (To do: determine if this is needed; if not get rid of it.)
    • aidGap Type: String. Optional. Unclear intended usage. No existing document has a non-null value for this field. (To do: determine if this is needed. If not, get rid of it.)
    • entranceCounselingComplete Type: Boolean. Optional. I think it's meant to indicate if the finanical aid office has counseled the student on their optionas.
    • fafsaComplete Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student's fafsa application is complete. (To do: determine if both this and fafsaReceived are needed.)
    • fafsaReceived Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student's fafsa application has been received.
    • fafsaVerificationFlagDate: Type: Date. Optional. I'm not sure what this is about; presumably something to do with the fafsa application process.
    • fedLoanOffered Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if a federal loan has been offered to the student.
    • finAidComplete Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student's application for insitutional finanical aid is complete.
    • finAidInterest Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student has expressed interest in receiving financial aid.
    • offered: Type: Boolean. Optional. Unclear intended usage. It's compatible with having scholarshipAwarded: false. (To do: determine what this is supposed to mean.)
    • mpnPerkinsComplete Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student has completed an application for the Federal Perkins Loan Master Promissory Note.
    • mpnStaffordPlusComplete. Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student has completed an application for the Stafford or PLUS federal loan.
    • pellAwardAmount TypeL String. Optional. I think this is supposed to indicate the amount of money the government granted the student with a Pell Grant, but there are no current documents with non-null values for this field.
    • pellAwardDate Type: Date. Optional. I think the date on which the government awarded the student a Pell Grant.
    • scholarshipAccepted Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student has accepted a scholarship from the institution.
    • scholarshipAwarded Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the institution has awarded the student a scholarship.
    • workstudyAmount Type: String. Optional. I think it is supposed to indicate the amoutn of money the students gets via the Federal Work Study program.
    • workstudtAwardDate Type: Date. Optional. Presumably the date on thich the Student was accepted into the Work Study program. (To do: correct the typo.)
  • georgia Type: Object. Optional. Set of Georgia State-specific fields. Subfields:
    • hopeAwardAmount Type: String. Optional. Presumably the amount of money GSU awarded the student with a HOPE scholarship.
    • hopeAwardDate Type: Date. Optional. Date on which GSU awarded the student a HOPE scholarship.
    • hopeGSFAppSubmitted Type: Date. Optional. Unclear; something to do with a Georgia based scholarsip called GSF and Georgia State University's own HOPE scholarship.
    • successAcademy: Type: Object. Optional. Contains information about the student's relationship to GSU's Success Academy. Subfields:
      • accepted Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the Success Academy accepted the student's application.
      • appReceived Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if GSU has received an application to the Success Academy from the student.
      • qualified Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student is qualified to enroll in the Success Academy.
  • housing: Type: Object. Optional. Contains information about the student's accomodation. Subfields:
    • depositDate Type: Date. Optional. Unclear if this is intended to be the sate the deposit must be payed by or the date it in fact was paid on. (To do: determine the intended usage of this field.)
    • depositPaid Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates whether or not a student has paid a deposit for their housing.
    • onCampus Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates student lives on campus.
    • preferenceType Type: String. Optional. Allowed values: 'Residence hall', 'Off-campus', 'Parents', 'Married housing', 'Fraternity/Sorority'. Indicates the preffered living arrangment of the student.
  • importData Type: Object. Optional. Default value: empty object. Black-box. Used by astronomer and the brookline user creation endpoint for any unmapped data. (To do: determine if there is any need for this default value.)
  • importSegmentLabels Type: [String]. Optional. Default value: empty array. List of labels used to identify a batch of students imported on a single occasion. For each time the student is imported, there is a string in the importSegmentLabels array, and vice-versa.
  • inStateStudent Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student counts as "in-state" for the purposes of enrollment and tuition.
  • intent Type: Object. Optional. Contains information concerning a propsective students intent to enroll. Subfields:
    • intentReceivedDateType: Date. Optional. Indicates date at which the institution received some kind of formal statement of intent to enroll from the student.
    • intendsToEnroll Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates whether or not the student intends to enroll (presumably as indicated in the aforementioned formal way.)
    • counselorCanContact Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if it is ok for a counselor to initiate contact with the student; I'm not sure how this is determined.
  • interest Object. Optional. Unclear what the intended usage is here. Has exactly one subfield:
    • crm Type: Number. Optional. Allowed values: 1 through 5. I don't know what this means. (To do: figure out if this is needed. If not get rid of it. Also: figure out why this isn't on the top level; if there isn't a reason, move it.)
  • knownUser Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the user is known to the system. The only users who will not have knownUser: true are users that are communicating with the bot cold. It is possible to be knownUser: true before any communication occurs if, for example, the student data was imported. (To do: move this to a subfield of _contactSettings.)
  • lastIntegrationDate Type: Date. Optional. Indicates the last date on which user data was integrated into the system via Astronomer. (To do: determine if all astronomer-related stuff should be subfields of the one field.)
  • location: Type: Object. Optional. I think this is the contact address of the student. Subfields:
    • address1 Type: String. Optional. First line of an address.
    • address2 Type: String. Optional. Second line of the address, if there is one.
    • address3 Type: String. Optional. Third line of the address, if there is one.
    • city Type: String. Optional. City part of the address.
    • country Type: String. Optional. Country of the address.
    • county Type: String. Optional. County part of the address, if there is one.
    • state Type: String. Optional. Regex constraint: /^A[LKSZRAEP]|C[AOT]|D[EC]|F[LM]|G[AU]|HI|I[ADLN]|K[SY]|LA|M[ADEHINOPST]|N[CDEHJMVY]|O[HKR]|P[ARW]|RI|S[CD]|T[NX]|UT|V[AIT]|W[AIVY]$/. State.
    • zip Type: String. Optional. Zip code. (To do: consider changing the name if we're intending to use this for non-U.S. addresses.)
  • meta Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Contains a bunch of information recording the history of user interaction with the system. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • name Type: Object. Optional. Contains information about the student's name. Subfields.
    • first Type: String. Optional. First name.
    • last Type: String. Optional. Last name.
    • middleName Type: String. Optional. Middle name.
    • full Type: String. Optional. Full name.
    • nickName Type: String. Optional. Nick name.
  • orientationType: Object. Optional. Contains information about the students intention to attend orientation.
    • attended Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates whether the student attended orientation or not.
    • attendedDate Type: Date. Optional. Date at which the student attended orientation.
    • needsToRsvp Type: Boolean. Optional. I think this indicates whether the student still needs to RSVP to the orientation invitation. (To do: give this a clearer name.)
    • registeredDate Type: Date. Optional. Date at which the student registered to attend orientation.
  • permittedUser Deprecated. We use the subfield of _contactSettings now. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • phone Type: String. Optional. The field to which astronomer writes phone information. Not to be confused with the _phone field.
  • presumedState Type: Object. Optional. Not clear what is supposed to unite all the information in this field. (To do, figure out what this is about. Possibly get rid of it.) Subfields:
    • fafsaReceived Type: Boolean. Optional. The same information as recorded in finAid.fafsaReceived.
    • finAidComplete Type: Boolean. Optional. The same information as recorded in finAid.findAidComplete.
    • housingDepositPaid Type: Boolean. Optional. The same information as recorded in housing.depositPaid.
    • orientationAttendedDate Type: Date. Optional. The same information as recorded in orientation.attendedDate.
    • orientationNeedsToRsvp Type: Boolean. Optional. The same information as recorded in orientation.needsToRsvp.
    • intendsToEnroll Type: Boolean. Optional. The same information as recorded in intent.intendsToEnroll.
  • profile: Type: Object. Optional. Unclear what unifies the information in here. (To do: if there isn't a good reason not to, record as much of this information in other fields as possible. If feasible, remove field entirely.) Subfields:
    • citizenVerified Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates that the citizenship of the student has been verified.
    • emergencyContactHold Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • firstGen Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • honors Type: Boolean. Optional. I presume this indicates whether the student got some kind of honours.
    • honorsProspect Type: Boolean. Optional. I don't know; something to do with being a prosect for some kind of honours.
    • hsCode Type: String. Optional. Some kind of code for the student's highschool.
    • hsGradYear Type: Number. Allowed values: year number 70 years before present to 30 years after present.
    • hsName Type: String. Optional. Name of the student's highschool.
    • hsZip Type: String. Optional. Student's highschool's zip code. (To do: enforce zip-code syntax.)
    • immunizationHold Type: Boolean. Optional. Not entirely clear -- something to do with immunization?
    • intendedCollege Type: String. Optional. I guess the college the student intends to attend. No current document has a non-null value for this field. (To do: maybe get rid of it.)
    • intendedMajor Type: String. Optional. Strictly, max of 3000 characters, but whatever. Major the student intends to pursue.
    • majorInterest Type: String. Optional. I guess the major the student is interested in. No current document has a non-null value for this field. (To do: maybe get rid of it.)
    • residency Type: String. Options. Residency status of the student. No current document has thie field. (To do: get rid of it.)
    • studentCategory Type: String. Optional. Allowed values: 'prospect', 'applicant', 'admit', 'enrolled', 'dropout', 'alumni'. Some of this information is duplicated in application.status, but that might be ok. (To do: determine if this is ok.)
    • studentType Type: String. Optional. Allowed fields: 'Freshman', 'Dual Enrollment', 'Non-Degree', 'Non-Traditional', 'Postbaccalaureate', 'Transfer', 'Transient', 'Unknown', 'Continuing or Returning', 'Intl Exchange Student', 'Joint Enrollment', 'Program for Excellence', 'GSU-62'. Some of these allowed values are specific to GSU. Some of these allowed values are not on any existing document.
  • smsInfo Type: Object. Optional. Default value: empty object. Blackbox. Information about the last message exchange with the student. (To do: get rid of this in favour of the field that includes _lastMessageId and _lastTransport as subfields.)
  • schoolEmail Type: String. Regex constrint: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email. Student's institution-related email.
  • studyGroupMember Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student is a part of a study, like the one we did on summer melt.
  • supplemental Type: Object. Optional. Seems totally useless. No current document has this field. (To do: get rid of this.)
    • first Type: String. Optional. Useless.
    • second Type: String. Optional. Useless.
    • third Type: String. Optional. Useless.
    • fourth Type: String. Optional. Useless.
    • fifth Type: String. Optional. Useless.
  • tests Type: Object. Optional. Contains information about the students results on various standardised tests.
    • actEnglish fields.act_composite_score(o),
    • actComposite Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. Composite ACT score.
    • actDevAndSupport Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. Some other ACT score. Dev and support?
    • actIdeasAnalysis Type: Number Min: 1, max: 36. ACT ideas analysis score.
    • actLangaugeConvention Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. ACT score of some kind.
    • actMath Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. ACT math score.
    • actOrganization Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. Another ACT score of some kind. What is the ACT anyway.
    • actReading Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. ACT reading score.
    • actScience Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. ACT science score.
    • actWriting Type: Number. Min: 1, max: 36. ACT writing score.
    • gpa Type: Number (decimals allowed). Optional. Grade point average.
    • maxGpa Type: Number (decimals allowed). Optional. Maximum grade point average.
    • satAnalysis Type: Number. Min: 2, max: 12. SAT analysis score.
    • satEssay Type: Number. Min: 2, max: 12. SAT essay score.
    • satComposite Type: Number. Min: 600, max: 2400. Optional. SAT composite score.
    • satMath Type: Number. Min: 200, max: 800. Optional. SAT math score.
    • satReading Type: Number. Min: 200, max: 800. SAT reading comprehension score.
    • satWriting Type: Number. Min: 2, max: 12. SAT writing score. (Is this different to the two above SAT scores?)
  • textSetting Type: Object. Optional. Deprecated. We use _contactSettings now.
  • tuiton Type: Object. Optional. (To do: unless there's a reason not to, get rid of this.) Has exactly one subfield:
    • paymentPlan Type: Boolean. Optional. No current document has a non-null value.
  • withdrawalReason Type: String. Optional. Reason the student withrew, presumably. No current document has a non-null value. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • _testUser Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates that this is a test user.
  • _aidLastPush Type: Object. Optional. I think this contains responses to a particular dialog. (To do: confirm that this is so, if it is, get rid of it.) Subfields are all states to which the user responds:
    • planSubmitFafsa Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • helpCompletingFafsa Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • planAttendOrientation Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • allSetHousing Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • unableToMakePayment Type: Boolean. Optional.
  • _contactSettings Type: Object. Optional. Contains information about the user that helps determine large-scale bot behaviour. (To do: make this required.) Subfields:
    • canMessageGeneral Type: Boolean. Optional. canMessageGeneral is false when, for any reason, we may not send messages via any transport to the user.
    • canMessageFacebook Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if we may send facebook messages to the user.
    • canText Type: Boolean. Optional. Currently playing the role envisioned for canMessageGeneral. Should, eventuall, be confined to the sms transport. (To do: make it so.)
    • carrier Type: String. Optional. Indicates which carrier the user's phone uses. (To do: restrict possible values.)
    • contacted Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the bot has sent the user a message before. (To do: make this required.)
    • finished Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates we are finished with out dealings with this user. (To do: determine if this is necessary, given the other fields. If not, get rid of it, and change the name to make the user case more obvious.)
    • generalOptIn Type: Boolean. Optional. I don't know what this is. (To do: figure it out.)
    • nonWorkingFacebookId Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the facebook id we have for the user doesn't work.
    • nonWorkingNumber Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the phone number we have for the user doesn't work.
    • nonWorkingNumberCode Type: Boolean. Optional. Don't know what this is about. No existing document has this subfield. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
    • passiveOptOut Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates that user has failed to opt in when an opt in was required, and should be treated as having opted out.
    • permittedUserType: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the user is permitted to interact with the bot. (To do: make this required.)
    • twilioLookUpValid. Type: Boolean. Optional. Don't know. No existing document has this subfield. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
    • wrongNumber Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the number we have for the user is not in fact theirs.
  • _custom: Type: Object. Optional. Blackbox. Unclear intended usage; examples in the data seem to hold things that are best stored elsewhere. (To do: see about eliminating this.)
  • _dialog Type: Object. Optional. Blackbox. Stores information about the user's current position within a dialog. (To do: un-black-box this. Make it required.)
  • _dialogStack Type: [Object. Optional. Blackbox. When a dialog is interrupted by a second dialog, the first goes onto this stack, so the system can return to it, in the correct state, after the second is finished. (To do: un-black-box this. Make it required.)
  • _facebookId Type: String. Optional. User's facebook id.
  • _finAid Type: Object. Optional. A less interesting duplicate of finAid; presumably this exists to distinguish fields Astronomer writes to from something we use. (To do: find a better solution to astronomer writes; de-duplicate fields. In any case, consolidate this and finAid.) Subfields:
    • finAidInterest Type: Boolean. Optional. See finAid.finAidInterest
    • gapInAid. Type: Boolean. Optional. See finAid.aidGap
    • needHelpPaying Type: Boolean. Optional. A new one. I assume this indicates if the student needs help paying their tuition.
  • _finalStudySurveyBot Type: Object. Optional. A field tied to a specific dialog. These should not exist. (To do: get rid of it.) Subfields are all have the name of a state in the dialog; values are responses. Subfields:
    • enrollmentHowHard Type: String. Optional.
    • textHowHelpful Type: String. Optional.
    • helpfulInTransition Type: String Optional.
    • recommendToFriend Type: String. Optional.
    • recommendToSchool Type: String Optional.
    • recommendImprovements Type: String. Optional.
    • howToImprove Type: String. Optional.
    • whatElseCanIDo Type: [String]. Optional. Allowed values: 'Buying textbooks', 'Travel planning', 'Finding internships', 'Health and wellness', 'Banking and budgeting', 'Pizza delivery', 'Study support', 'Campus info', 'Something else'.
    • whatElseCanIDoExtended: Type: String. Optional.
    • didYouRead Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • whyNoResponse Type: String. Optional.
    • didYouRead Type: Boolean. Optional.
    • whyNoText Type: String. Optional.
  • _gather Type: Object. Optional. THere is exactly one existing document that has this field; it appears to only duplicate information that is contained elsewhere. I speculate that it was tied to a particular dialog. (To do: get rid of this.) Subfield information is self-explanatory. Subfields:
    • actComposite Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actDevAndSupport Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actEnglish Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actIdeasAnalysis: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actLangaugeConvention Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actMath Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actOrganization Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actReading Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actScience Type: Number. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • actWriting Type: NUmber. Must be between 1 and 36. Optional.
    • address Type: String. Optional.
    • dob Type: Date. Optional.
    • email Type: String. Optional. Regex constraint: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email.
    • firstName Type: String. Optional.
    • gpa Type: Number (decimals allowed). Optional.
    • hsGradYear Type: Number. Must be year between 70 years before and 30 years after current year.
    • hsName Type: String. Optional.
    • hsZip Type: String. Must be between 1 and 30 characters long.
    • intendedMajor Type: String. Optional.
    • lastName Type: String. Optional.
    • maxGpa Type: Number (decimals allowed). Optional.
    • middleInitial Type: String. Optional. fields.string(o),
    • phone Type: String. Must be 10 digits. Optional.
    • satAnalysis Type: Number. Must be between 2 and 12. Optional.
    • satComposite Type: Number. Must be between 600 and 2400. Optional.
    • satEssay Type: Number. Must be between 2 and 12. Optional.
    • satMath Type: Number. Must be between 200 and 800. Optional.
    • satReading Type: Number. Must be between 200 and 800. Optional.
    • satWriting Type: Number. Must be between 2 and 12. Optional.
    • zip Type: String. Must be between 1 and 30 characters long.
  • _general Type: Object. Optional. I don't know where this information comes from. (To do: see about getting rid of this.) Subfields:
    • secondGroup Type: Boolean. Optional. Don't know.
    • whyNotTexting Type: String. Optional. I guess this is the reason a student isn't texting the bot.
  • _housing Type: Object. Optional. Less interesting duplicate of housing. (To do: see _finAid.) One subfield:
    • intention Type: String. Optional. Presumably something to do with the student's intentions regarding their housing.
  • _intent Type: Object. Larger version of intent. (To do: consolidate this and intent.) Suspect it's tied to a particular dialog. Subfields:
    • alreadySubmitted Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the students intent-to-enroll form has been submitted.
    • coming Type: Object. Optional. Contains information concerning the student's reason for coming, and their second choice.
      • reasonCode Type: Number. Optional. A numeric code indicating the reason the student is coming. I think this is GSU specific.
      • secondChoiceSchool Type: String. Optional. Name of the student's second preference.
      • secondChoiceState Type: String. Optional. State of the student's second preference.
    • date Type: Date. Optional. I think the date the student submitted the intent-to-enroll form.
    • followUpIntent Type: String. Optional. Allowed values: 'attending', 'not attending', 'unsure', 'already submitted'. Presumably the student's response to some question about their intent.
    • goingInstead Type: String. Optional. Other institution the student will attend.
    • howSolid Type: String. Optional. Indication of how confident the student is they will enroll in the institution (I think).
    • intendsToEnroll Type: Boolean. Indicates whether the student intends to enroll at the relevant institution.
    • notComing: Type: Object. Optional. Dual of coming. Subfields:
      • firstChoiceSchool Type: String. Optional. Name of the student's first choice for college.
      • firstChoiceState Type: String. Optional. State where the student's first-choice college is.
    • unsure Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the student is unsure about their enrollment intentions.
    • whyHere Type: String. Optional. I think this is a free-form answer to the question of why the student wants to enroll in the relevant institution.
    • whyNoCollege Type: String. Optional. A free-form answer to the question of why the student doesn't intend to enroll in any college.
    • whyNotAttending: Type: String. Optional. The reason the student isn't attending the relevant isnstition. Presumably in more pithy form than...
    • whyNotAttendingExtended Type String. Optional. As above, but with more detail. Do we really need both of these?
    • whyUnsure Type: String. Optional. The reason the student is unsure about their intent to enroll. Short version of:
    • whyUnsureExtended Type: String. Optional. As above, but long. Again, seems otiose.
  • _lastContacted Type: Date. Optional. Date of last message from the bot. (To do: put this in a _lastMessage subfield, or something like that.)
  • _lastMessageId Type: String. Optional. _id of the smslogs document associated with the last message between the user and the bot. (To do: see _lastContacted.)
  • _lastTransport Type: String. Optional. Transport of the last message between the user and the bot. (To do: see _lastContacted.)
  • _oneOff Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Place for storing random things that need to be recorded and used once by the system. (To do: find a way to get rid of this. Short of that, delete it from all documents regularly.)
  • _orientation Type: Object. Optional. Duplicate of orientation. Contains information about the students attendance of and experience in orientation. (To do: consolidate this with orientation.) Subfields:
    • best Type: String. Optional. Student's report of what the best thing about orientation was.
    • experience Type: String. Optional. How the student rates their orientation experience.
    • experienceExtended Type: String. Optional. More comments on the student's orientation experience.
    • improvement Type: String. Optional. Student's answer to the question of what about orientation could be improved.
    • stoodOut Type: String. Optional. Student's answer to the question of what stood out about their orientation experience.
    • registered. Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates if the student has registered to attend orientation.
    • willYouAttend Type: String. Optional. Student's answer to the question of whether they will attend orientation. There is exactly one document that has this field.
  • _parking Type: Object. Optional. Information about parking, I guess. One subfield.{type: new SimpleSchema({
    • bringCar Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates that the student is bringing a car to campus, and need parking. (To do: move this out of nesting.)
  • _phone Type: String. Optional. The phone number we text to communicate with the student.
  • _previousPhone Type: String. Optional. The previous phone number of the student, if they've changed _phone values. This is used by the updateNumber cron.
  • _profile Type: Object. Optional. A duplicate of profile, equally mysterious what unifies the subfields (maybe it's used on the frontend)? (To do: consolidate with profile, if it is kept.) Subfields:
    • description Type: String. Optional. Allowed values: 'current student', 'transfer', 'senior', 'junior', 'soph or younger', 'parent', 'other', 'prospective.
    • parent Type: Boolean. Indicates the user is a parent of a student. Not a single document has this field.
    • plannedApplication Type: String. Allowed values: 'now', 'this year', 'not applying'.
    • setCanTextFalse. Type: Boolean. Optional. Unclear usage.
  • _responseBlackBox Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Deprecated. We now keep this information in the meta field (though, should we?)


Deprecated. Was used in inquiryCardBot. The document pair highchools to some kind of code.


Contains information concerning points of contact at client institutions. Fields:

  • blacklistedEmails Type: [String]. Optional. I think this is for email addresses that from which we don't want to forward messages. But no current document has this field, and it is not functional in NeOliTh code. (To do: find out if this is functional on the front end. If not, get rid of it.
  • collegeId Type: String. Optional. _id field of the associated BrandedColleges document. This is a change; pre NeOliTh, this referenced the _id field on the College document. (To do: make this required, and unqiue.)
  • officers Type: [String]. Optional Regex constraint: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id. Each item in the array must be unique. A list of officer ids, though it is completely unclear what documents these ids are referencing. Most (but not all) existing documents have an empty array as the value of their officer field. I don't think there is anywhere this is functional in out code. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • associatedEmails Type: [Object]. Optional. Each object contains information on a particular email association with the collegeId institution, including the kinds of topics that messages to that email address should be about. Subfields:
    • counties Type: [Object]. Optional. Each object contains information about a particular place such that inquiries related to that place should be forwarded to the associated email address. Subfields:
      • county Type: String. Optional. A county in a U.S. state.
      • state Type: String. Optional. Must be a standard U.S. state code.
    • email Type: String. Optional. The email address itself.
    • general Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates whether or not the email address is one to which emails of all topics should be forwarded if there isn't a more specific email address covering the relevant topic. I believe the frontend requires that this field exist to function correctly. (To do: either remove the front end dependence on this field, or make it required.)
  • forwardedTopics Type: [String]. Optional. These are the stringified versions of values of _id fields from understanding documents (in the Holocene database). When a response with such an understanding id is returned after a call to Holocene, it triggers an auto-forwarded email; if that _id is in this array, then the email will be sent to the email address.
  • introExclamation Type: String. Optional. I think this is something that was, at one time, supposed to appear at the beginning of email from this instution to users. But it is not functional in NeOliTh code, and I think use is now fulfilled in other ways. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
  • mainFinAidContact Deprecated We now use either the topics field or the office field to indicate this information; no existing document has this field. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • name Type: String. Optional. The name of the person associated with the email address, if there is one.
  • office Type: String. Optional. The name of the office associated with the emails address, if there is one. Examples of values include Advising Services and Admissions.
  • states Type: [String]. Optional. Must be a standard U.S. state code. States such that the associated email address covers inquiries from that state. (To do: merge this and counties.)
  • topics Type: [String]. Optional. The email address handles messages about the listed topics. These are displayed in the UI.


Deprecated. Contains information about events prospective students might be interested in attending; was functional back when AdmitHub matched soliciting students to instutitions.


Deprecated. Contains information about many, many colleges in the United States. Perhaps valuabel information -- I'm sure it wasn't easy to compile. But we don't use it. It should be put in an archive somewhere.


A document defining the general properties of a specific, scripted interaction with users. Fields:

  • initialState Type: String. Required. The _id of the DialogState document corresponding to the first state of this dialog. (To do: enforce simple-schema id syntax of value.)
  • converted Type: Boolean. Optional. Indictes that the dialog was converted from an old workflow by script. (To do: establish that there is no sepcial problem with these workflows, then get rid of this field, if there is no reason to keep it.)
  • createdAt Type: Date. Optional. Date at which the dialog was created. (To do: make this required.)
  • description Type: String. Optional. Description of the dialog. Used for display on the front end, and for humans to comprehend what is going on. (To do: make this required.)
  • expirationLength: Type: Number. Optional. The number of days after which the dialog expires, and it's _id is removed as a value from all brandedUserProfile documents dialog and dialogStack fields.
  • hidden Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates whether or not the dialog should appear in the front end display. Should be false for systems-type dialogs, like the default softStop dialog. (To do: make this required.)
  • humanName Type: String. Optional. Name of dialog, friendly to humans. Used in front-end for display. (To do: make name serve this purpose, then get rid of this.)
  • metaData Type: Object. Optional. Contains meta information about the dialog.(To do: see about making this required.) Subfields:
    • createdBy Type: String. Required. Indicates the front-end user (or maybe admithub peon?) that created this.
    • createdVia Type: String. Required. Indicates the front-end platform on which the dialog was created. (To do: enforce allowed values: Phoenix, Mascot.
  • messagingService Type: String. Optional. The messaging service associated with this dialog. We use * to denote a general dialog, used by all messaging services. (To do: make this required.)
  • name Type: String. Optional. Name of dialog, intended for coding use. In NeOliTh, this field is not functional. (To do: make the values of this field the current humanName values. Then make this required.)
  • reminders Type: [Object]. Optional. Black box. A list of objects, each of ehich describe a reminder associated with the dialog, in the order in which they should be sent out. (To do: un black box this. Long term: think about making these their own document, like DialogStates.
  • states Type: [String]. Optional. A list of all _ids of DialogStates associated with this dialog. Not functional in code. (To do: either make this required or get rid of it. Probably the former.)
  • sentToUsers Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates that this dialog has been intitated to users. (To do: check exact conditions under which this should be true; if a dialog is never scheduled via the endpoint, but still interacts with users, should it be true?)
  • updatedAt Type: Date. Optional. Date at which the dialog was modified, if it was.


Contains information about specific states in the associated dialogs state-graph. A user moves through the dialog by traersing a path through the graph. These graphs will usually be trees, but need not be. Fields:

  • nextStates Type: Object. Required. Black box. Indicates the successor states to the current state, and provides information about which state to go to next. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • parentDialog Type: String. Required. The _id of the Dialog document associated with this state. (To do: enforce simple-schema id syntax.)
  • promptType Type: String. Required. The type of reponse, if any, the state expects from the user. (To do: enforce allowed values: Number, Open, Auto and Boolean. Change name to type.)
  • converted Type: String. Optional. Indicates that the state was converted from an old-style workflow by script. (To do: determine that these aren't problematic, and then get rid of this field if there isn't a reason to keep it. Also, this field should be a Boolean.)
  • createdAt Type: Date. Optional. Date at which the state was created. (To do: make this required.)
  • enterActions Type: [Object]. Optional. Black box. List of objects indicating which of a specified list of actions the system should take (in order) when the dialog enters this state. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • exitActionsType: [Object]. Optional. Black box. Like enterActions, except the actions should be taken when the dialog exits this state. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • Any action can be performed as either an enter or exit action. The full list of actions are: cancelCronJob, changeNumber, endSoftStop, save, sendEmail, scheduleJob and setPassiveOptOut. The poorly named scheduleJob can be used to schedule a startDialog or sendMessage (intended for sending one off messages).
  • media Type: String. Optional. The url of a media file that should be sent as part of the state's prompt.
  • multipleChoices Type: [Object]. Optional. Used, optionally, by Number-type states. Contains information about the options to be listed (in order) as possible responses to the state's prompt. Only one subfield, but we anticipate adding more. Subfield:
    • prompt Type: String. Required. The text of the listed response option.
  • name Type: String. Optional. A human-friendly name for the state. (To do: make this required.)
  • openingAiResponseState Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the state is of a special kind: it is a response to a question that initiates the dialog, when such a question is allowed.
  • pauseTime Type: Number. Optional. Used, optionally, by Auto-type states. The time in seconds after which the dialog should move automatically to the next state. If this field does not exist, the dialog will transition out of an Auto state after the default time of 16 seconds for twilio-transport messages, and the default time of 2 seconds for other transports.
  • range Type: Object. Optional, but required for the well-functioning of Number-type states; indicates the range of acceptable numeric responses to the state's prompt. Subfields:
    • min Type: Number. Required. The minimum valid response.
    • max Type: Number. Required. The maximum valid response.
  • skip Type: Object. Optional. Contains information about when this state should be skipped. Contains single subfield (To do: see about moving the subfield to the top level and getting rid of this.) Subfield:
    • query: Type: String. Required. A stringified version of the mongodb query performed on the brandedUserProfile document to determine if the state should be skipped. A positive result means that the state should be skipped. (To do: check that we really do need this after all.)
  • updatedAt Type: Date. Optional. Date at which the document was updated.


I think these are intended to record information on users who we pick up using the sales demo bot. Unclear if we intend to keep using this schema. There are no current DemoBotProfile documents, and no reference to them in the code. (To do: get confirmation that these will be used, or not.)


Deprecated Has been integrated into brandedUserProfiles. (To do: consider seperating institution documents again.)


Deprecated Appears to have been intended for use to monitor app health with some heartbeat service. We use and AWS metric for this purpose now, without appealing to any schema.


Deprecated Appears to be intended to record email exchanges between highschool students and college officers.


Deprecated Information on individual highschools. Perhaps this is valuable information, but we don't use it.


Deprecated Recorded information on highschool students interested in being involved in the services AdmtiHub provided in the olden days.


Deprecated. Was used by the front end for something; no longer.


Deprecated The last of these documents to be created was in 2016.


Deprecated Used as part of the defunt student-to-school matching feature.


Used in the old workflow editor, on the front end, to allow users to choose variable values in templates. This may need to be altered to accommodate the new dialogs. Fields:

  • description Type: String. Required. Description of what the variable ranges over.
  • label Type: String. Required. Human friendly name for the variable, used in display (I think).
  • value Type: String. Required. String value of the variable as used in the template.


Records information about the number of users reached by our messages, by week. Fields:

  • createdAt Type: Date. Required. Date the document was created.
  • messagingService Type: String. Required. The analytics are indexed to a messaging service, and reported on that messaging service's Mascot interface.
  • uniqueUsersReached Type: Number. Required. Number of unique users that got a message (I think) from the relevant messaging service.
  • updatedAt Type: Date. Required. Last time the document was updated. (To do: find out if we need this. These document are created programmatically once a week, and never again altered, right?)
  • weekNumber Type: Number. Required. Used to indicate the week, out of 52, of the year for which the information is recorded. (To do: enforce minimum and maxomum value.)
  • year Type: Number. Required. The year of the recorded information. (To do: enforce year syntax.)
  • ignore Type: Boolean. Optional. Not currently functional, but with a view to perhaps needing it for UI purposes. Currently all documents that have this field are ignore: false.


Deprecated There are no existing pendingEventReport documents.


Deprecated Some old school functionality I don't understand.


Deprecated The stock Meteor Posts collection with some added functions. We don't have anywhere people post any more.


Deprecated Some old kind of profile document, for highschool users of the forum, I think.


Deprecated Related to the defunct forum.


A message recording information about campaigns scheduled to be initiated to student users. All outgoing campaigns have a corresponding scheduledMessages document. The front end uses this for display purposes, among other things. Fields:

  • collection Type: String. Required. The relevant collection of the users sent the message. We're using only one collection these days, so this isn't needed, but I think we should consider seperating users by messaging service again.
  • completed Type: Boolean. Required. Default value: false. Set to true when the message has been sent to all intended users.
  • createdAt Type: Date. Required. The date the document was created.
  • messagingService Type: String. Required. The messaging service over which the message was sent.
  • scheduledAt Type: Date. Required. The date the message is scheduled to be sent to users.
  • allowCanTextFalse Type: Boolean. Optional. If true, the outgoing message will override canText: false settings for users.
  • batchSize Type: Number. Optional. I think this is supposed to be the number of users sent the message at a time (users are seperated into batches for sending purposes), but no current document has this field, and it is non-functional in the code (which uses a value of 5). (To do: confirm intended usage, then either make functional in the code or get rid of this.)
  • context Type: String. Optional. Unclear intended usage. No current document has this field. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
  • endDate Type: Date. Optional. Unclear intended usage. No current document has this field. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
  • hidden Type: Boolean. Optional. If this is true, the scheduled message is not displayed on the front end.
  • importReportId Type: String. Optional. The _id field of an importReport document corresponding to the import of the users targeted by the message, if there is such a report (I think).
  • message Type: String. Optional. Unclear where this is being set. The text of a message -- maybe only one-off messages? (To do: figure this out.)
  • note Deprecated Type: String. Optional. Some kind of extra information added to the document. Last time this was set was 16th of December, 2016. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • onGoing Deprecated Type: Boolean. Optional. Unclear intended usage; no current document has this field.
  • paused Deprecated Type: Boolean. Optional. I think this was supposed to indicate the message was paused half way; that's not something we can do in the current system. No current document has this field.
  • query Type: String. Optional. A stringified version of the mongo query used to choose the users that get sent the dialog. (To do: make this required.)
  • recipientLabel Type: String. Optional. The label used for the import corresponding to the target users, if there is one.
  • scheduled Type: Boolean. Optional. I think this is supposed to indicate that the campaign has, indeed, been scheduled, which does not make a lot of sense since the existence of the document indicates that. It is non-functional in the code. (To do: get rid of this.)
  • sent Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the campaign corresponding to the document has been sent.
  • sentDate Type: Boolean. Optional. The date at which the campaign was in fact sent. Should be very son after scheduledAt, unless something strange has happened.
  • startDate Deprecated Type: Date. Optional. Hard to think of a use for this not already covered in other fields. No existing document has this field. (To do: get rid of it.)
  • started Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the process of sending the campaign out has started.
  • test Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates this is a test campaign, not intended to be sent to real users.
  • users Type: [String]. Optional. The value of the _id field of the brandedUserProfile documents of the users intended to receive the campaign. (To do: make this required, possibly make it a number or get rid of it. This is a lot of data to store on each document, and should be recoverable from the query value.)
  • usersContacted Type: Number. Optional. Number of users who have thus far in fact been sent the campaign.
  • userSearch Deprecated. I think this was intended to play the role of query. No current document has this field.
  • weekends Type: Boolean. Optional. I think this is intended to indicate that it is ok to send the campiagn on a weekend. There are no current documents with this field, and it's not functional in the code. (To do: see about making this functional.)
  • workflow Type: String. Optional. The _id of the dialog document corresponding to the campaign being sent. (To do: change the name. Make this required.)
  • workflowHumanName Type: String. Optional. The humanName value of the dialog document corresponding to the campaign being sent. (To do: if we make the recommended changes to the humanName field, change the name of this field too.)


Records information about our texting load, created daily, optionally by messaging service. Fields:

  • date Type: Date. Required. The date of the day whose information is recorded in the document.
  • sent Type: Number. Required. The number of texts sent during the date.
  • received Type: Number. Required. The number of texts received during the date.
  • week Type: Number. Required. The week, out of 52, in which the date day occured.
  • year. Type: Number. Required. The year in which the date day occured.
  • messagingService. Type: String. Optional. The messaging service of the texts, if the information concerns a specific messaging service.
  • sentUnique Type: Number. Optional. Number of unique users sent a message during the date. (To do: make this required, unless there's some good reason it's not.)
  • receivedUnique TypeL Number. Optional. Number of unqiue users from which we received a message during the date. (To do: see sentUnique.)


Information intended to be used in a display of texting activity by region, and optionally by messaging service.. The information is indexed by area code. (To do: find out if this should have Date-type fields.) Fields:

  • areaCode Type: String. Required. The area code relevant to the information recorded here. (To do: find out if we should we enforce that this be unique.)
  • total Type: Number. Required. The total number of texts received from the areaCode.
  • unique Type: Number. Required. The total number of unqiue users that sent a text from the areaCode.
  • messagingService Type: String. Optional. The messagingService value of the brandedCollege document corresponding to the institution for which the information is relevant, if there is one.


A record of each incoming and outgoing message. (To do: change name.) Fields:

  • createdAt Type: Date. Required. Date the document was created.
  • error Type: Boolean. Required. Default value: false. Supposedly indicates if there was an error during the receiving or sending of the message, but there is not a single log with an error: true value. I don't think this is functional in the code. (To do: make it functional or get rid of it.)
  • incoming Type: Boolean. Required. Default value: false. Indicates if the message was incoming or outgoing. false value indicates the message was outgoing.
  • transport Type: String. Required. Allowed values: web, twilio, facebook, email. Indicates the transport of the message. (To do: remove web from allowed values, unless I'm missing something.)
  • aiLog Type: String. Optional. The stringified vesrion of the _id value of the queryLog document, over in the Holocene database, corresponding to this message. The presence of this field indicates that the message originates from Holocene.
  • accountSid Type: String. Optional. I speculate that this, messageSid and smsSid are all twilio related, but they aren't used for anything at the moment. (To do: see about getting rid of theses.)
  • body Type: String. Optional. The text of the message. (To do: make this required once we get rid of the the phantom messages related to the inReplyTo field.)
  • dialogId Type: String. Optional. The _id of the dialog document of the dialog that the user was in when they sent this message, if it is incoming, or of the dialog that this message is a part of, if it is outgoing.
  • facebookId Type: String. Optional. The facebook id of the user messaged. Will only exist when the message was sent on the facebook transport.
  • from Type: String. Optional. The phone number the message was sent from. (Can be one of our twilio numbers, I think.) I think we're not using this anymore. (To do: confirm we're not using it, and possibly get rid of it.)
  • inReplyTo Type: String. Optional. The _id of the smsLog document that this message is in reply to. For legacy, front-end related reasons, every outgoing message must have an inReplyTo field, with the _id of an actual document. This requires us to create phantom incoming messages every time we initiate a conversation, or have more than one message outgoing in a row. This should be changed as soon as possible.
  • mediaFiles Type: [Object]. Optional. Items in the array contain information about media files attached to the relevant message. Subfields:
    • deleted Type: Boolean. Required. Default value: false. This was part of an enforcement we used to do in Oli, that we are not currently doing in NeOliTh. If a message is sent with more than one media file, or a non-image media-file, we used to delete the (extra) file(s), and this field would be set to true. (To do: find out if we should be enforcing this in NeOliTh.)
    • url Type: String. Required. The url where the media file is stored.
    • contentType Type: String. Optional. The type of media. (To do: enforce limited range of allowed values.)
  • messageSid Type: String. Optional.
  • messagingService Type: String. Optional. The value of the messagingService field on the brandedCollege document of the relevant institution. (To do: make this required.)
  • msgParts Type: Number. Optional. Number of parts the message was split up into, by twilio. (They do that if the message is long.) This should only appear on logs with transport: twilio.
  • scheduledMessageId Type: String. Optional. Regex constraint: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id. The _id of the scheduledMessage document associated with the scheduling of the interaction that this message is a part of (if there is such a document).
  • senderId Type: String. Optional. Regex constraint: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id. _id of the user document corresponding to the Phoenix or Mascot user who sent the message, if there is one. This field also appears on incoming messages -- unclear what that means.
  • smsSid Type: String. Optional.
  • source Type: String. Optional. Indicates the source of the message. Currently, there are exactly three logs such that their source value us not either none specified or triage. The other values are mascot/conversation and conversation. (To do: make a list of allowed values, and enforce. Possibly make required, depending on what is on that list.)
  • testUser Type: Boolean. Optional. Default value: false. Indicates that this message was to or from a test user. I think this field has not being set since the change to NeOliTh. (To do: set this in NeOliTh. Also: either make it required or remove default value.)
  • to Type: String. Optional. The phone number of the message was sent to. I think we're not using this. (To do: confirm, and get rid of it.)
  • userId Type: String. Optional. _id field of the brandedUserProfile document associated with the messag(ing/ed) student. (To do: make this required.)
  • userNumber Type: String. Optional. The phone number of the relevant user, if the message was sent via the twilio transport. This seems to be performing the function of both from and to, currently.
  • workflow Type: String. Optional. Name of workflow this message was a part of. Not currently being used. (To do: change this to dialog, make it equal the _id field of the relevant dialog, and make it required, if we are indeed handling all messaging via dialogs.)


Snapshots of an interaction involving an error; records information about the user, the institution, the smslogs, and other things. Sounds nice, but we never used this, and they aren't made any more in NeOliTh. (To do: determine if we want to bring this back. I think not.)


Deprecated. Used to play a role in the website.


Deprecated. Same deal as sponsors.


Deprecated Not sure exactly how these worked, but we don't use them now; the collection doesn't exist in the database.


Deprecated There are exactly three of these documents in the database; I'm pretty sure they aren't used for anything. (To do: see if there's some connection with the unverified parameter used in the email code, for the pruposes of code archaeology.)


Originally was for everyone, has since been repurposed as the documents for phoenix and mascot users. Fields:

  • admithubUser Type: Boolean. Required. Default value: false. Indicates the user is part of our glorious company, and entitled to the prviliges becoming of such a position.
  • createdAt Type: Date. Required. Autovalue set on document creation (as all of these created-at type fields should be).
  • data Deprecated Telescope related.
  • profile Type: Object. Required. Black box. Autovalue set as empty object. Unclear what conceptually groups the subfields of this field. (To do: un-nest the subfields and get rid of this. Make the empty object a default value, rather than autosetting it.) Some defined subfields:
    • canText Deprecated See below.
    • facebookId Deprecated This is no longer relevant to user documents; we have them over in brandedUserProfile documents.
    • firstOutgoing Records te first outgong message sent to a user. Probably confusing to have this now, given the new meanin of the user document; if anything, it should record the first outgoing message from the user. No longer functional in NeOliTh anyhow. (To do: confirm we don't want to use this for something; if so, use it, if not, get rid of it.)
    • hasSent Type: Boolean. Optional. Oli set this to true when we got incoming from the user. This is no longer an apporpriate use, given the current meaning of the user document. (To do: see firstOutgoing.)
    • notifications Deprecated See tags.
    • phone Deprecated See facebookId.
    • subscriptions Deprecated From a time users could subscribe to reports AdmitHub generated.
    • tags Deprecated A mystery field that only Scott Burke has.
  • referralCode Type: String. Required. Autofilled to be a Meteor uuid. Pretty sure we don't use this for anything. (To do: confirm, then probably get rid of it.)
  • votes Type: Object. Required. Autovalue is an empty object. Unclear intended usage; every existing document has an empty object as value. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
  • abGroup Type: Number. Optional. Decimal between 0 and 1. Used to seperate groups for A/B testing. (To do: see about making this required.)
  • currentInstitution Type: String. Optional. The _id value of the brandedCollege document corresponding to the institution view a Phoenix user is currently looking at. (To do: figure out if we need another field for Mascot.)
  • email_hash Type: String. Optional. Presumably some security measure. There are exactly two documents with this field. (To do: see if we want to use this for real, and if not get rid of it.)
  • emails Type: [Object]. Optional. Default value: empty array (set in a ridiculously indirect way). Contains information about the user's email addresses. Subfields:
    • address Type: String. Optional. Regex constraint: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email. The address itself.
    • smsVerifyCode Type: String. Optional. Used in Oli times to verify email addresses; no longer functional. (To do: either restore this functionality or get rid of this field.)
    • verified Type: Boolean. Optional. Set to true when the user clicks a sign-up link (and probably also reset-passowrd link).
  • hardStopReason Deprecated No existing document has this; I think a "hard stop" in this context means something that doesn't existi any more.
  • hardStopToken Deprecated See above.
  • importedSegmentLabels Deprecated No longer relevant, given the new meaning of user documents.
  • lastContacted Deprecated See above.
  • lastMessageId Deprecated See above above.
  • lastLoginAt Type: Date. Optional. Date the user last logged in to one of the front-end apps.
  • phoenixUser Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates the user uses Phoenix, the second best front-end application at AdmitHub. (To do: make corresponding mascotUser field.)
  • phone Deprecated. No longer relevant to user documents; we have the required informaiton in brandedUserProfile documents.
  • phonePending Deprecated No longer functional in NeOliTh code, and no existing document has this.
  • pinnedConversations Type: [String]. Optional. Default value: empty array. Each item is an _id value of the brandedUserProfile document of the student user who's converation is pinned by the Phoenix user of this user document.
  • presence Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Contains information about what part of the app the user is currently active in. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • recentConverstaions
  • resumeWorkflow Deprecated If I am guessing correctly, this information now belongs on the brandedUserProfile document. No existing user document has this field.
  • referralCredits Deprecated We used to have some kind of referral scheme.
  • roles Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Specifies the user's privileges, by institution. (To do: un-black-box this. Make it required.)
  • schools Deprecated No longer relevant, given new meaning of user document.
  • services Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Contains user's authorisation information, including information about passwords and session tokens. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • sharing Type: Boolean. Optional. No existing document has this field. (To do: see about getting rid of this.)
  • slug Type: String. Optional. Autoset to slugify([username]), if username exists; otherwise set to slugify([_id]). telescope.slug is set to be the same value as this. Used in certain urls, I'm guessing.
  • smsHardStopped Deprecated No longer belongs on the user document.
  • snapshotReference Deprecated Used as part of a feature that preserved the earlier state of test users; now defunct.
  • startInitialSurvey Deprecated I think this field no longer makes sense to have on this document, given it's new meaning. No curren document has this field.
  • status Type: Object. Optional. Black box. Contains information about user's overall state in the app, currently -- whether they are online, and whether they are idle, for instance. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • telescope Deprecated We don't user telescope any more.
  • test Type: Boolean. Optional. Unclear how this differs form testUser. (To do: either give this a clearer name which makes a distinct function obvious, or get rid of either this or testUser.)
  • testUser Type: Boolean. Optional. Indicates this is a test user. (To do: see test.)
  • username Type: String. Optional. Must be between 3 and 15 alphanumeric characters. Apparently we use emails for the same purpose as this now, but Anthony thinks it's worth keeping username.
  • workflow Deprecated This infromation now belongs on the brandedUserProfile document.


Records user responses to dialog prompt. Fields:

  • created Type: Date. Required. The date the document was created.
  • messagingService Type: String. Required. The messagingService value of the brandedCollege doccument of the relevant institution.
  • response Type Object. Required. Black box. Contains information about the prompt and the response. (To do: un-black-box this.)
  • scheduledMessageId Type: String. Required. The _id value of the scheduledMessage document corresponding to the campaign to which the student is responding.
  • step Type: String. Required. The _id value of the dialogState document of the state to which this a response.
  • userId Type: String. Required. The _id value of the brandedUserProfile document of the relevant user.
  • workflow Type: String. Required. The _id value of the dialog document of the relevant dialog.


Used to display details of the old-school workflows to users. Unclear if this has a future in the dialog era. (To do: figure out if it does.) Fields:

  • description Type: String. Required. A description of the dialog; appears in the UI.
  • scripts Type: [Object]. Required. Contains the display information by possible path through the dialog. Subfields:
    • description Type: String. Required. A description of the dialog path.
    • exchanges Type: [Object]. Required. Contains information by state in the path. Subfields:
      • response Type: String. Optional. The student response required to continue on the relevant path, if there is one.
      • step Type: String. Required. The name (or preferrably _id in the dialog era) of the dialogState in the path.
    • name Type: String. Required. A name for the dialog path.
  • workflow Type: String. Required. The _id value of the dialog document of the relevant dialog.


Deprecated Now we use dialogs.

Monitoring and Metrics examples


const publishers = require('./lib/monitoring/metric_publishers');

let publisher = new publishers.MetricPublisher({});

(async function() {
   let result = await publisher.publish(1.0);
   console.log("Metric publisher test complete");
})(); // This is called an "immediately invoked function" in javascript. Helps to avoid promises in interactive mode.

const monitors = require('./lib/monitoring/monitors');

let hbeat_monitor = new monitors.HeartbeatMonitor({});

(async function() {
   let result = await hbeat_monitor.beat();
   console.log("Heartbeat monitor test complete");

let event_monitor = new monitors.EventMonitor({});

(async function() {
   let result = await event_monitor.recordEvent();
   console.log("Event monitor test complete");