
💻 A checklist and list of scripts I should run when getting a new computer.

MIT LicenseMIT

💻🎁 New Computer Checklist 🎁💻

A checklist and list of scripts I should run when getting a new computer or reinstalling OSX. I'll feel like a super fast, new machine!

This was made on OSX10.11 by Grant Timmerman

Imagine your MacBook was stolen tomorrow. Or you started a new job with a new machine fresh off the press. Would you be able to recover your favorite settings?

Getting Started

To get started, simply fork this repo and customize your settings.

  • You should have the following user/pass combinations ready
    • Wifi password
    • Apple ID
    • LastPass (Password manager)
    • iPhone/android phone (2FA)


Computer performance is extremely important. To do our jobs faster, we try to balance two things:

  • Use of applications/existing software/HOFs to make our lives easier
  • Performance/Efficientcy to make our lives faster

System Preferences

🍎 General

  • Appearance: Blue
  • Highlight color: Other (gray)
  • Show scroll bars: Automatically based on mouse or trackpad
  • Click in the scroll bar to: Jump to the next page
  • Default web browser: Google Chrome.app
  • Ask to keep changes when closing documents
  • Close windows when quitting app
  • Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices
  • Use LCD font smoothing when available

🖥 Desktop & Screen Saver

  • Message: Start after: 1 hour, [x] show clock
  • Hot corner: bottom-left, put monitor to sleep
  • Screen Saver: Bahamas blue

🚢 Dock

  • Size: 10%
  • Magnification
  • Position on screen: Right
  • Double-click on a window's title bar to zoom
  • Minimize windows into application icon
  • Animate opening applications
  • Automatically hide and show the Dock
  • Show indicators for open applications

🖲 Mission Control

  • Automatically rearrage Spaces based on most recent use
  • When switching to an applications, switch to a Space with open windows for the application
  • Group windows by application
  • Displays have separate Spaces
  • Dashboard: Off
  • Mission Control: Ctrl + Opt + Cmd + Up
  • Application windows: Ctrl + Opt + Cmd + Down
  • Show Desktop: F11
  • Show Dashboard F12

🌐 Language & Region

  • Preferred languages
    • English - Primary  - 简体中文 - Chinese, Simplified
  • Region: United States
  • First day of the week: Sunday
  • Calendar: Gregorian
  • Time format: [x] 24-Hour Time
  • List sort order: Universal

🔒 Security & Privacy

🔍 Spotlight

  • Only the following:
    • Folders
    • PDF Documents
    • System Preferences

🔔 Notifications - Nothing special

📺 Display

  • Default for display
  • Rotation: Standard
  • Refresh Rate: 60 Hertz (NTSC)
  • Underscan: Off
  • Show mirroring options in the menu bar when available

🔌 Energy Saver

  • Automatic graphics switching
  • 3 hrs
  • Put hard disks to sleep when possible
  • Wake for network access
  • Enable Power Nap while plugged into a power adapter
  • Show battery status in menu bar

⌨ Keyboard

  • Key Repeat - 2nd to fastest
  • Delay Until Repeat - 3rd tick from left
  • Use all F1, F2, etc.
  • Adjust keyboard brightness in low light
  • Turn off when computer is not used for: Never
  • Show Keyboard, Emoji, & Symbol Viewers in menu bar
  • No other unique keyboard settings

🖱 Mouse

⬜ Trackpad

  • Point & Click
    • Look up & data detectors
    • Secondary click
    • Tap to click
    • Tracking speed: 2nd to last tick
  • Scroll & Zoom
    • Scroll direction
    • Zoom in or out
    • Smart zoom
    • Rotate
  • More Gestures
    • Swipe between pages
    • Swipe between full-screen apps
    • Notification Center
    • Mission Control
    • App Exposé
    • Launchpad
    • Show Desktop

🖨 Printers & Scanners - Nothing special

🔊 Sound

  • Nothing special
  • Show volume in menu bar

☁️ iCloud

  • iCloud Drive
  • Photos
  • Mail
  • Contacts
  • Calendar
  • Reminders
  • Safari
  • Notes
  • Keychain
  • Back to My Mac
  • Find My Mac

🌐 Internet Accounts (try not to add anything unless needed here)

  • iCloud
    • Photos
    • Contacts
    • Safari
    • Keychain
    • Find My Mac
  • None besides that

💎 Extensions

  • Actions: Not enabled
  • Finder: Not enabled
  • Share Menu: Mail, AirDrop, Messages
  • Today: Not enabled

🕸 Network

  • Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar
  • Advanced
    • Nothing really different besides default
    • DNS Servers

📲 Blootooth

  • Turn Bluetooth Off
  • Show Bluetooth in menu bar

👫 Sharing

  • Nothing should be on

👤 Users & Groups

  • Grant Timmerman - Admin
    • Avatar: Owl
  • Other Users - Guest User - Off

👨‍👧 Parental Controls - none

🛍 App Store

  • Automatically check for updates
    • Download newly available updates in the background
    • Install app updates
    • Install OS X Updates
    • Install system data files and security updates
  • Automatically download apps purchaes on other Macs

🗣 Dictation & Speech

  • Dictation All Off

🕒 Date & Time

  • Date & Time: Set date and time automatically
  • Time Zone: Set time zone automatically using current location
  • Clock
    • Show date and time in menu bar
    • Time Options: Digital
    • Date options:
      • Show the day of the week
      • Show the date

🕰 Time Machine: Off

💬 Accessibility

  • Display
    • Invert colors
    • Use grayscale
    • Differentiate without color
    • Increase contrast
    • Reduce transparency
    • Display Contrast: Left-most tick
    • Cursor Size: 2nd tick from left
    • Shake mouse pointer to locate
  • Zoom
    • Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom
    • Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom
    • Smooth Images
    • Zoom follows the keybaord focus
    • Zoom Style: Fullscreen
    • More Oprtions...
      • Maximum Zoom: 0
      • Minimum Zoom: 0
      • When zoomed in, the screen image moves: Continuously with pointer
  • VoiceOver: Disabled
  • Descriptions: Disabled
  • Captions: Default
  • Audio: None
  • Keyboard: All disabled
  • Mouse & Trackpad
    • Spring-loaded delay: middle
  • Switch Control: Default
  • Dictation: None

☕ Flash Player/Java: Default

🖥 Applications

Any application that you have pinned constantly should be converted to a native app

  • https://github.com/jiahaog/nativefier sudo npm install nativefier -g
  • Applications +(Less tabs, more isolation), -(Links don't work)
    • Google Calendar: nativefier "calendar.google.com"
    • SoundCloud: nativefier --name "SoundCloud" soundcloud.com

📂 finder

  • in folders, right-click, View > as List
  • Finder > Preferences
    • Sidebar
      • Favorites
        • All My Files
        • iCloud Drive
        • AirDrop
        • Applications
        • Desktop
        • Documents
        • Downloads
        • Movies
        • Music
        • Pictures
        • granttimmerman
        • Shared
        • Back to My Mac
        • Connected Servers
        • Bonjour computers
        • Devices
        • Grant's MacBook Pro
        • Hard disks
        • External disks
        • CDs, DVDs, and iPods
        • Tags
        • Recent tags
    • Advanced
      • Show all filename extensions
      • Show warning before changing extension
      • Show warning before emptying the Trash
      • When performing a search: Search the Current Folder

⬛ shell

  • iTerm - Terminal
    • Download my settings here: https://github.com/grant/iterm-profile
    • General
      • Startup
        • Use System Window Restoration Setting
      • Closing
        • Quit when all windows are closed
        • Confirm closing multiple sessions
        • Confirm "Quit iTerm2 (⌘Q)" command
      • Magic
        • Instant Replay uses [4] MB per session
        • Save copy/paste and command history to disk
      • Services
        • Add Bonjour hosts to Profiles
        • Check for updates automatically
        • Prompt for test-release updates
      • Preferences
        • Load preferences from custom folder or URL
      • Selection
        • Copy to pasteboard on selection
        • Copied text includes trailing newline
        • Applications in terminal may access clipboard
      • Window
        • Smart window placement
        • Adjust window when changing font size
        • Zoom maximizes vertically only
        • Native full screen windows
      • tmux integration
        • Open tmux windows as native windows
        • ...
    • Appearance
      • Tabs
        • Tab bar location: Top
        • Theme: Dark
        • Show tab bar even when there is only one tab
        • Show tab numbers
        • Show tab close buttons
        • Show activity indicator
        • Show new-output indicator
        • Show tab bar in fullscreen
      • Panes
        • Show per-pane title bar with split panes
      • Screen
        • Auto-hide menu bar in non-native fullscreen
      • Window & Tab Titles
        • Show window number
        • Show current job name
        • Show profile name
      • Dimming
        • Dimming affects only text, not background.
        • Dimming amount: 1/4 Minimal
        • Dim inactive split panes
        • Dim background windows
      • Window
        • Show border around window
        • Hide scrollbars
        • Disable transparency for fullscreen windows by default
    • Profiles
      • General
        • Basics
          • Name: ?
        • Command
          • Login shell
        • Working Directory
          • Reuse previous session's directory
      • Colors
        • Use the defaults for everything besides the following
        • Selection: ff8000
        • Minimum contrast: min
      • Text
        • Cursor
          • Vertical bar
          • Blinking cursor
        • Text Rendering
          • Draw bold text in bold font
          • Draw bold text in bright colors
          • Blinking text allowed
          • Italic text allowed
        • Defaults for other things
      • Window
        • Transparency: 1/4 from left
        • Blur: 1/2 from left
        • Defaults for everything else
      • Scroll
        • Scrollback Lines: 50000
        • Defaults for everything else
      • Session, Keys, Advanced
        • Defaults
    • Preferences
      • Terminal
        • Shell Integration
          • Insert newline before start of a command prompt if needed
          • Show mark indicators
  • Homebrew: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
    • brew install tree
  • npm
  • yarn
  • https://github.com/grant/dotfiles
  • Git config (https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git/):

📝 Sublime - Text editor

📝 Webstorm - Web IDE

  • Keymap scheme: Mac OS X 10.5+
  • IDE Theme: Darcula
  • Editor color and fonts: Darcula
  • Enable opening files and projects from the command line


🌐 Chrome/FF - Web browser

  • Log in to Chrome profile
  • Chrome Extensions (chrome://extensions/)
    • AdBlock
    • Boomerang for Gmail
    • Checker Plus for Gmail
    • Checker Plus for Google Calendar
    • Cookie Inspector
    • Currently (new tab screen)
    • Full Page Screen Capture
    • Grammarly for Chrome
    • Hacker News Collapsible Comments
    • Isometric Contributions
    • JSON Formatter
    • LastPass: Free Password Manager
    • Octotree (Code tree fro GitHub)
    • React Developer Tools
    • Save as PDF
    • SoundCloud Button
    • SpeakIt!
    • Video Speed Controller
    • WhatFont
  • Open email in Gmail instead of Apple Mail
    • Display density: compact

↔️ Moom - Window management

  • General
    • Launch on login
    • Show perferences on launch
    • Run as faceless application
  • Keyboard https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/744973/20869168/67cc16b0-ba21-11e6-9c03-c06f44e32d39.png

↔️ QuickSilver - Global hotkeys

  • Create global hotkeys for apps

🗣 Slack - Communications

🖼 Licecap - Create GIFs

🐺 Firefox


🚢 Dock

  • Remove all but the following:
    • Finder
    • Launchpad
    • Messenges
    • iTerm
    • Downloads
    • Trash

🚀 Launchpad

  • This will be cluttered, but uninstall anything not relevant.
  • Put all pre-installed apps in folders

❓ Optional

📝 Scripts

  • git

    • git config --global push.default matching
  • json

    • sudo npm install -g jsontool # | json
  • OSX

## All scripts not effective until Finder and Dock are restarted (see below)

## Make screenshots save to custom directory:
cd ~;
mkdir screenshots;
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Documents/screenshots;
## Speed up exposé animation
defaults write com.apple.dock expose-animation-duration -float 0.12 && killall Dock
## Show hidden files in finder
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES && killall Finder
## Disable animation for Get Info window
defaults write com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations -bool true

## !!! Commit changes by running the following
killAll Finder && killAll Dock

## View images from terminal (must use iTerm and follow Shell Integration setup above)
curl -L https://iterm2.com/misc/install_shell_integration.sh | bash
# Then `imgcat ~/Downloads/IMG.JPG`

🕸 Websites

  • Google Drive: In settings, disable sync offline mode.

🖥 Hardware (Ideal dev computer (as of 2016))

  • iMac
  • Quad-core >=4.0GHz Processor
  • 32GB DDR3
  • 512GB Flash Storage
  • 4GB Video Memory

🛃 Rules

  • Don't install anything else in an effort to increase performance.
    • Dropbox
    • Drive
    • Adobe Suite (Flash, Photoshop, Acrobat, ...)
    • GoToMeeting
    • Keybase
    • Kindle
    • Dash
    • Tableau
  • No games. Use a different computer
    • Steam
    • Battle.net/Blizzard
    • Wineskin
    • Thalmic labs

Tips and tricks