
Starter code for React fast food feud project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fast Food Feud

A local startup has asked Site interns to help them construct their new product - Fast Food Feud! They love the name and even have a tagline they workshopped: Folks' Favorite Friendly Fuel Finder For Food Facts. The one thing they don't have is a working application.

Here's what they have to say about their vision for the mini-app:

Finding healthy food is hard. Sometimes we just settle for what's available. That doesn't mean we shouldn't know what's going into our bodies! Fast Food Feud is here to arm the public with all the nutritional facts needed to make informed decisions about fast food consumption.

They've sourced their nutrition data, bootstrapped a React application, and even hired a designer to creat some styles. However, they quickly realized that they didn't know enough React to make this happen, so they've called on Site to fill in the gaps.

Follow the instructions available on the course portal

Setting up the lab

Make sure to install the proper dependencies.

npm install

Once that's done, run the application like so:

npm run dev