Backdoor Attacks on CIFAR10

This is a simple Resnet for CIFAR implementation supporting the detection of backdoor attacks with spectral signatures.

  • trains
  • evals once (--loop flag for infinite loop)
  • config.json has all the options
  • compute_corr performs the spectral signature detection

The simplest usage is to change the "data" section of the config.json file.

  • poison_method can be pixel, pattern, or ell
  • poison_eps refers to how many corrupted images are added
  • clean_label refers to the class of images to which a mark is added
  • target_label refers to the label assigned to corrupted images
  • position and color are the parameters for the backdoor trigger
  • percentile represents how many images to keep

The file will load the latest checkpoint from the given output directory in the config file and perform the spectral signature detection. The code will print (to stdout) the top singular values with and without the corrupted inputs, as well as the number of corrupted images removed as having a high score. The model directory is then updated with a numpy file containing the indices of the top scores, so that if the train file was run again, the model would be trained without training inputs corresponding to the removed indices.