
Maker Keeper Framework: Market maker keepers for OasisDEX, EtherDelta, 0x (RadarRelay, ERCdEX), Paradex, IDEX, Bibox, OKEX and Gate.io.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Build Status codecov

The DAI Stablecoin System incentivizes external agents, called keepers, to automate certain operations around the Ethereum blockchain.

market-maker-keeper is actually a set of keepers that facilitate market making on the following exchanges:

  • OasisDEX (oasis-market-maker-keeper),
  • EtherDelta (etherdelta-market-maker-keeper),
  • RadarRelay and ERCdEX (0x-market-maker-keeper),
  • Paradex (paradex-market-maker-keeper),
  • IDEX (idex-market-maker-keeper),
  • Bibox (bibox-market-maker-keeper),
  • OKEX (okex-market-maker-keeper),
  • gate.io (gateio-market-maker-keeper).

All these three keepers share some logic and operate in a similar way. They create a series of orders in so called bands, which are configured with a JSON file containing parameters like spreads, maximum engagement etc. Please see the "Bands configuration" section below for more details regarding keeper mechanics.

Provided an appropriate price feed is available, the OasisDEX, Bibox, Paradex, OKEX, 0x and gate.io keepers are capable of market-making on any token pair. The EtherDelta and IDEX keepers still are to some extend bound to the DAI/ETH pair. This will be changed at some point in the future.

This repo also contains an auxiliary tool called oasis-market-maker-cancel, which may be used for emergency cancelling all market maker orders on OasisDEX if the keeper gets stuck or dies for some reason, or if the network becomes congested.



This project uses Python 3.6.2.

In order to clone the project and install required third-party packages please execute:

git clone https://github.com/makerdao/market-maker-keeper.git
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

For some known macOS issues see the pymaker README.

Installation of etherdelta-client

The etherdelta-market-maker-keeper keeper utilizes etherdelta-client (present in the lib/pymaker/utils directory) to place orders on EtherDelta using socket.io. In order to use it, a node installation must be present and npm install needs to be run in the lib/pymaker/utils/etherdelta-client folder.

This step is not necessary if you only want to use the other keepers from this project.

Installation of setzer

Some market maker keepers use setzer in order to access price feeds like Gemini, Kraken etc. This interface is built on top of setzer so in order for it to work correctly, setzer and its dependencies must be installed and available to the keepers. Please see: https://github.com/makerdao/setzer.

Without setzer installed, the --price-feed eth_dai will lack reliability when the main price feed (which is currently the GDAX ETH/USD WebSocket feed) will become unavailable. It will not impact the reliability of --price-feed btc_dai which currently depends only on the GDAX BTC/USD WebSocket feed.

Bands configuration


Bands configuration file is directly related to how market maker keepers work. They continuously monitor and adjust their positions in the order book, maintaining open buy and sell orders in multiple bands at the same time.

In each buy and sell band, the keepers aim to have open orders for at least minAmount. In both cases, they will ensure the price of open orders stays within the <minMargin,maxMargin> range from the current price.

When started, keepers places orders for the average amounts (avgAmount) in each band, using use avgMargin to calculate the order price.

As long as the price of orders stays within the band (i.e. is in the <minMargin,maxMargin> range from the current price, which can be of course constantly moving), the keepers keep them open. If some orders leave the band, they either enter another adjacent band or fall outside all bands. In case of the latter, they get immediately cancelled. In case of the former, keepers can keep these orders open as long as their amount is within the <minAmount,maxAmount> ranges for the band they just entered. If it is above the maximum, some open orders will get cancelled and potentially new one will be created to bring the total amount back within the range. If it is below the minimum, a new order gets created for the remaining amount so the total amount of orders in this band is equal to avgAmount.

The same thing will happen if the total amount of open orders in a band falls below either minAmount as a result of other market participants taking these orders. In this case also a new order gets created for the remaining amount so the total amount of orders in this band is equal to avgAmount.

Some keepers will constantly use gas to cancel orders (OasisDEX, EtherDelta and 0x) and create new ones (OasisDEX) as the price changes. Gas usage can be limited by setting the margin and amount ranges wide enough and also by making sure that bands are always adjacent to each other and that their <min,max> amount ranges overlap.

File format

Bands configuration file consists of two main sections: buyBands and sellBands. Each section is an array containing one object per each band.

The minMargin and maxMargin fields in each band object represent the margin (spread) range of that band. These ranges may not overlap for bands of the same type (buy or sell), and should be adjacent to each other for better keeper performance (less orders will likely get cancelled if the bands are adjacent). The avgMargin represents the margin (spread) of newly created orders within a band.

The next three fields (minAmount, avgAmount and maxAmount) are the minimum, target and maximum keeper engagement per each band. The dustCutoff field is the minimum amount of each single order created in each individual band, expressed in buy tokens for buy bands and in sell tokens for sell bands. Setting it to a non-zero value prevents keepers from creating of lot of very tiny orders, which can cost a lot of gas in case of OasisDEX or can result in too small orders being rejected by other exchanges.

Sample bands configuration file:

    "buyBands": [
            "minMargin": 0.005,
            "avgMargin": 0.01,
            "maxMargin": 0.02,
            "minAmount": 20.0,
            "avgAmount": 30.0,
            "maxAmount": 40.0,
            "dustCutoff": 0.0
            "minMargin": 0.02,
            "avgMargin": 0.025,
            "maxMargin": 0.03,
            "minAmount": 40.0,
            "avgAmount": 60.0,
            "maxAmount": 80.0,
            "dustCutoff": 0.0
    "buyLimits": [],

    "sellBands": [
            "minMargin": 0.005,
            "avgMargin": 0.01,
            "maxMargin": 0.02,
            "minAmount": 2.5,
            "avgAmount": 5.0,
            "maxAmount": 7.5,
            "dustCutoff": 0.0
            "minMargin": 0.02,
            "avgMargin": 0.025,
            "maxMargin": 0.03,
            "minAmount": 4.0,
            "avgAmount": 6.0,
            "maxAmount": 8.0,
            "dustCutoff": 0.0
    "sellLimits": []

Order rate limitation

Two optional sections (buyLimits and sendLimits) can be used for limiting the maximum rate of orders created by market maker keepers. Both use the same format:

"buyLimits": [
        "period": "1h",
        "amount": 50.0
        "period": "1d",
        "amount": 200.0

The amounts are expressed either in terms of the buy or the sell token, depending on the section. The above snippet imposes a limit of 50.0 buy token within each 60 minute window, and in addition to that a maximum of 200.0 buy token within each 24h window.

Supported time units are: s, m, h, d and w.

Data templating language

The Jsonnet data templating language can be used for the configuration file.

Price feed configuration

Each keeper takes a --price-feed commandline argument which determines the price used for market-making. As of today there are four possible values of this argument:

  • eth_dai - uses the price from the GDAX WebSocket ETH/USD price feed, if it becomes unavailable then uses the average of Kraken and Gemini ETH/USD prices, if both of them become unavailable uses the price feed from Tub;
  • btc_dai - uses the price from the GDAX WebSocket BTC/USD price feed;
  • tub - uses the price feed from Tub (only works for keepers being able access an Ethereum node);
  • fixed:1.56 - uses a fixed price, 1.56 in this example;
  • file:filename.json - continuously loads the price from a specified file, which should be a simple JSON document with only a price property.


This keeper supports market-making on the OasisDEX exchange.


usage: oasis-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--rpc-host RPC_HOST]
                                 [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                                 [--rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT] --eth-from
                                 ETH_FROM [--tub-address TUB_ADDRESS]
                                 --oasis-address OASIS_ADDRESS
                                 --buy-token-address BUY_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                                 --sell-token-address SELL_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                                 --config CONFIG --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                                 [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                 [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                 [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                 [--round-places ROUND_PLACES]
                                 [--min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE]
                                 [--gas-price GAS_PRICE] [--smart-gas-price]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')
  --rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT
                        JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)
  --eth-from ETH_FROM   Ethereum account from which to send transactions
  --tub-address TUB_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the Tub contract
  --oasis-address OASIS_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the OasisDEX contract
  --buy-token-address BUY_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the buy token
  --sell-token-address SELL_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the sell token
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --round-places ROUND_PLACES
                        Number of decimal places to round order prices to
  --min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE
                        Minimum ETH balance below which keeper will cease
  --gas-price GAS_PRICE
                        Gas price (in Wei)
  --smart-gas-price     Use smart gas pricing strategy, based on the
                        ethgasstation.info feed
  --debug               Enable debug output


This tool immediately cancels all our open orders on OasisDEX. It may be used if the oasis-market-maker-keeper gets stuck or dies for some reason, or if the network becomes congested.


usage: oasis-market-maker-cancel [-h] [--rpc-host RPC_HOST]
                                 [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                                 [--rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT] --eth-from
                                 ETH_FROM --oasis-address OASIS_ADDRESS
                                 [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')
  --rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT
                        JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)
  --eth-from ETH_FROM   Ethereum account from which to send transactions
  --oasis-address OASIS_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the OasisDEX contract
  --gas-price GAS_PRICE
                        Gas price in Wei (default: node default)


This keeper supports market-making on the EtherDelta exchange.


usage: etherdelta-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--rpc-host RPC_HOST]
                                      [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                                      [--rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT] --eth-from
                                      ETH_FROM --tub-address TUB_ADDRESS
                                      --etherdelta-address ETHERDELTA_ADDRESS
                                      --etherdelta-socket ETHERDELTA_SOCKET
                                      [--etherdelta-number-of-attempts ETHERDELTA_NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS]
                                      [--etherdelta-retry-interval ETHERDELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL]
                                      [--etherdelta-timeout ETHERDELTA_TIMEOUT]
                                      --config CONFIG --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                                      [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                      [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                      [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                      --order-age ORDER_AGE
                                      [--order-expiry-threshold ORDER_EXPIRY_THRESHOLD]
                                      [--order-no-cancel-threshold ORDER_NO_CANCEL_THRESHOLD]
                                      --eth-reserve ETH_RESERVE
                                      [--min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE]
                                      --min-eth-deposit MIN_ETH_DEPOSIT
                                      --min-sai-deposit MIN_SAI_DEPOSIT
                                      [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
                                      [--smart-gas-price] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')
  --rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT
                        JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)
  --eth-from ETH_FROM   Ethereum account from which to send transactions
  --tub-address TUB_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the Tub contract
  --etherdelta-address ETHERDELTA_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the EtherDelta contract
  --etherdelta-socket ETHERDELTA_SOCKET
                        Ethereum address of the EtherDelta API socket
  --etherdelta-number-of-attempts ETHERDELTA_NUMBER_OF_ATTEMPTS
                        Number of attempts of running the tool to talk to the
                        EtherDelta API socket
  --etherdelta-retry-interval ETHERDELTA_RETRY_INTERVAL
                        Retry interval for sending orders over the EtherDelta
                        API socket
  --etherdelta-timeout ETHERDELTA_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for sending orders over the EtherDelta API
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --order-age ORDER_AGE
                        Age of created orders (in blocks)
  --order-expiry-threshold ORDER_EXPIRY_THRESHOLD
                        Remaining order age (in blocks) at which order is
                        considered already expired, which means the keeper
                        will send a new replacement order slightly ahead
  --order-no-cancel-threshold ORDER_NO_CANCEL_THRESHOLD
                        Remaining order age (in blocks) below which keeper
                        does not try to cancel orders, assuming that they will
                        probably expire before the cancel transaction gets
  --eth-reserve ETH_RESERVE
                        Amount of ETH which will never be deposited so the
                        keeper can cover gas
  --min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE
                        Minimum ETH balance below which keeper will cease
  --min-eth-deposit MIN_ETH_DEPOSIT
                        Minimum amount of ETH that can be deposited in one
  --min-sai-deposit MIN_SAI_DEPOSIT
                        Minimum amount of SAI that can be deposited in one
  --cancel-on-shutdown  Whether should cancel all open orders on EtherDelta on
                        keeper shutdown
                        Whether should withdraw all tokens from EtherDelta on
                        keeper shutdown
  --gas-price GAS_PRICE
                        Gas price (in Wei)
  --smart-gas-price     Use smart gas pricing strategy, based on the
                        ethgasstation.info feed
  --debug               Enable debug output

Known limitations

  • Because of some random database errors, creating some orders randomly fails. This issue has been reported to the EtherDelta team (etherdelta/etherdelta.github.io#275), but it hasn't been solved yet.

  • There is no way to reliably get the current status of the EtherDelta order book, so the keeper relies on an assumption that if an order has been sent to EtherDelta it has actually made its way to the order book. If it doesn't happen (because of the error mentioned above for example), it will be missing from the exchange until its expiration time passes and it will get placed again (refreshed) by the keeper.

  • Due to the same issue with retrieving the current order book status, the keeper starts with the assumption that the order book is empty. If there are already some keeper orders in it, they may get recreated again by the keeper so duplicates will exist until the older ones expire. That's why it is recommended to wait for the existing orders to expire before starting the keeper.

  • There is a limit of 10 active orders per side (see: etherdelta/etherdelta.github.io#274).


This keeper supports market-making on any 0x exchange which implements the 0x Standard Relayer HTTP API.


usage: 0x-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--rpc-host RPC_HOST] [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                              [--rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT] --eth-from ETH_FROM
                              --exchange-address EXCHANGE_ADDRESS
                              --relayer-api-server RELAYER_API_SERVER
                              [--relayer-per-page RELAYER_PER_PAGE]
                              --buy-token-address BUY_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                              --sell-token-address SELL_TOKEN_ADDRESS --config
                              CONFIG --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                              [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                              [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                              [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]
                              --order-expiry ORDER_EXPIRY
                              [--order-expiry-threshold ORDER_EXPIRY_THRESHOLD]
                              [--min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE]
                              [--cancel-on-shutdown] [--gas-price GAS_PRICE]
                              [--smart-gas-price] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')
  --rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT
                        JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)
  --eth-from ETH_FROM   Ethereum account from which to send transactions
  --exchange-address EXCHANGE_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the 0x Exchange contract
  --relayer-api-server RELAYER_API_SERVER
                        Address of the 0x Relayer API
  --relayer-per-page RELAYER_PER_PAGE
                        Number of orders to fetch per one page from the 0x
                        Relayer API (default: 100)
  --buy-token-address BUY_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the buy token
  --sell-token-address SELL_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the sell token
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --order-expiry ORDER_EXPIRY
                        Expiration time of created orders (in seconds)
  --order-expiry-threshold ORDER_EXPIRY_THRESHOLD
                        How long before order expiration it is considered
                        already expired (in seconds)
  --min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE
                        Minimum ETH balance below which keeper will cease
  --cancel-on-shutdown  Whether should cancel all open orders on keeper
  --gas-price GAS_PRICE
                        Gas price (in Wei)
  --smart-gas-price     Use smart gas pricing strategy, based on the
                        ethgasstation.info feed
  --debug               Enable debug output

Known limitations

  • This keeper is confirmed to work with RadarRelay and ERCdEX.

  • In case of RadarRelay, expired and/or taken orders to not disappear from the UI immediately. Apparently they run a backend process called chain watching service, which for tokens with little liquidity kicks in only every 10 minutes and does order pruning. Because of that, if we configure the keeper to refresh the orders too frequently (i.e. if the --order-expiry will be too low), the exchange users will see two or even more duplicates of market maker orders.

  • The 0x Standard Relayer HTTP API specifies 100 as the maximal page size for querying open orders. Having said that, some exchanges (e.g. RadarRelay) support more than that, so the --relayer-per-page argument can be used to increase this limit. Just bear in mind this is against the spec.

  • Relayers tend to silently discard orders, for example if the ZRX token balance available in keeper account is too low. Even after successful order placement confirmation from the API the order may still disappear one or two seconds later.


This keeper supports market-making on the Paradex exchange.


usage: paradex-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--rpc-host RPC_HOST]
                                   [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                                   [--rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT] --eth-from
                                   ETH_FROM --exchange-address
                                   [--paradex-api-server PARADEX_API_SERVER]
                                   --paradex-api-key PARADEX_API_KEY
                                   [--paradex-api-timeout PARADEX_API_TIMEOUT]
                                   --pair PAIR --buy-token-address
                                   BUY_TOKEN_ADDRESS --sell-token-address
                                   SELL_TOKEN_ADDRESS --config CONFIG
                                   --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                                   [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                   [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                   [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                   --order-expiry ORDER_EXPIRY
                                   [--min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE]
                                   [--gas-price GAS_PRICE] [--smart-gas-price]
                                   [--refresh-frequency REFRESH_FREQUENCY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')
  --rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT
                        JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)
  --eth-from ETH_FROM   Ethereum account from which to send transactions
  --exchange-address EXCHANGE_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the 0x Exchange contract
  --paradex-api-server PARADEX_API_SERVER
                        Address of the Paradex API (default:
  --paradex-api-key PARADEX_API_KEY
                        API key for the Paradex API
  --paradex-api-timeout PARADEX_API_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for accessing the Paradex API (in seconds,
                        default: 9.5)
  --pair PAIR           Token pair (sell/buy) on which the keeper will operate
  --buy-token-address BUY_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the buy token
  --sell-token-address SELL_TOKEN_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the sell token
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --order-expiry ORDER_EXPIRY
                        Expiration time of created orders (in seconds)
  --min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE
                        Minimum ETH balance below which keeper will cease
  --gas-price GAS_PRICE
                        Gas price (in Wei)
  --smart-gas-price     Use smart gas pricing strategy, based on the
                        ethgasstation.info feed
  --refresh-frequency REFRESH_FREQUENCY
                        Order book refresh frequency (in seconds, default: 3)
  --debug               Enable debug output

Known limitations

  • The keeper needs access to an Ethereum node in order to grant token approvals to 0x contracts, and also to constantly monitor token balances so it knows the maximum amount of orders it can place. In addition to that, it uses the eth_sign JSON RPC call to sign all API requests.


This keeper supports market-making on the IDEX exchange.


usage: idex-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--rpc-host RPC_HOST]
                                [--rpc-port RPC_PORT]
                                [--rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT] --eth-from
                                ETH_FROM --tub-address TUB_ADDRESS
                                --idex-address IDEX_ADDRESS
                                [--idex-api-server IDEX_API_SERVER]
                                [--idex-timeout IDEX_TIMEOUT] --config CONFIG
                                --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                                [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                --eth-reserve ETH_RESERVE
                                [--min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE]
                                --min-eth-deposit MIN_ETH_DEPOSIT
                                --min-sai-deposit MIN_SAI_DEPOSIT
                                [--gas-price GAS_PRICE] [--smart-gas-price]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rpc-host RPC_HOST   JSON-RPC host (default: `localhost')
  --rpc-port RPC_PORT   JSON-RPC port (default: `8545')
  --rpc-timeout RPC_TIMEOUT
                        JSON-RPC timeout (in seconds, default: 10)
  --eth-from ETH_FROM   Ethereum account from which to send transactions
  --tub-address TUB_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the Tub contract
  --idex-address IDEX_ADDRESS
                        Ethereum address of the IDEX contract
  --idex-api-server IDEX_API_SERVER
                        Address of the IDEX API server (default:
  --idex-timeout IDEX_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for accessing the IDEX API (in seconds,
                        default: 9.5)
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --eth-reserve ETH_RESERVE
                        Amount of ETH which will never be deposited so the
                        keeper can cover gas
  --min-eth-balance MIN_ETH_BALANCE
                        Minimum ETH balance below which keeper will cease
  --min-eth-deposit MIN_ETH_DEPOSIT
                        Minimum amount of ETH that can be deposited in one
  --min-sai-deposit MIN_SAI_DEPOSIT
                        Minimum amount of SAI that can be deposited in one
  --gas-price GAS_PRICE
                        Gas price (in Wei)
  --smart-gas-price     Use smart gas pricing strategy, based on the
                        ethgasstation.info feed
  --debug               Enable debug output

Known limitations

  • Due to a serious bug in the IDEX API (only half of the open orders are returned via the API), this keeper should not be used yet.


This keeper supports market-making on the Bibox centralized exchange.


usage: bibox-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--bibox-api-server BIBOX_API_SERVER]
                                 --bibox-api-key BIBOX_API_KEY --bibox-secret
                                 BIBOX_SECRET [--bibox-timeout BIBOX_TIMEOUT]
                                 --pair PAIR --config CONFIG --price-feed
                                 [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                 [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                 [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bibox-api-server BIBOX_API_SERVER
                        Address of the Bibox API server (default:
  --bibox-api-key BIBOX_API_KEY
                        API key for the Bibox API
  --bibox-secret BIBOX_SECRET
                        Secret for the Bibox API
  --bibox-timeout BIBOX_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for accessing the Bibox API (in seconds,
                        default: 9.5)
  --pair PAIR           Token pair (sell/buy) on which the keeper will operate
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --debug               Enable debug output

Known limitations

  • The keeper does not handle depositing any cryptocurrency to the exchange, so the deposits have to be done manually in the Bibox UI. The keeper does not have to be shut down during deposits, it will pick up new balances automatically and place new orders if needed.


This keeper supports market-making on the OKEX centralized exchange.


usage: okex-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--okex-api-server OKEX_API_SERVER]
                                --okex-api-key OKEX_API_KEY --okex-secret-key
                                OKEX_SECRET_KEY [--okex-timeout OKEX_TIMEOUT]
                                --pair PAIR --config CONFIG --price-feed
                                [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --okex-api-server OKEX_API_SERVER
                        Address of the OKEX API server (default:
  --okex-api-key OKEX_API_KEY
                        API key for the OKEX API
  --okex-secret-key OKEX_SECRET_KEY
                        Secret key for the OKEX API
  --okex-timeout OKEX_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for accessing the OKEX API (in seconds,
                        default: 9.5)
  --pair PAIR           Token pair (sell/buy) on which the keeper will operate
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --debug               Enable debug output


This keeper supports market-making on the gate.io centralized exchange.


usage: gateio-market-maker-keeper [-h] [--gateio-api-server GATEIO_API_SERVER]
                                  --gateio-api-key GATEIO_API_KEY
                                  --gateio-secret-key GATEIO_SECRET_KEY
                                  [--gateio-timeout GATEIO_TIMEOUT] --pair
                                  PAIR --config CONFIG --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                                  [--price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY]
                                  [--spread-feed SPREAD_FEED]
                                  [--spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gateio-api-server GATEIO_API_SERVER
                        Address of the Gate.io API server (default:
  --gateio-api-key GATEIO_API_KEY
                        API key for the Gate.io API
  --gateio-secret-key GATEIO_SECRET_KEY
                        Secret key for the Gate.io API
  --gateio-timeout GATEIO_TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for accessing the Gate.io API (in seconds,
                        default: 9.5)
  --pair PAIR           Token pair (sell/buy) on which the keeper will operate
  --config CONFIG       Bands configuration file
  --price-feed PRICE_FEED
                        Source of price feed
  --price-feed-expiry PRICE_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the price feed (in seconds, default:
  --spread-feed SPREAD_FEED
                        Source of spread feed
  --spread-feed-expiry SPREAD_FEED_EXPIRY
                        Maximum age of the spread feed (in seconds, default:
  --debug               Enable debug output

Known limitations

  • The gate.io API sometimes does not acknowledge order creation, returning following error message: Oops... reloading...<font color=white> 29.148 </font> <script> function r(){window.location.reload();}setTimeout('r()',3000);</script>. What's interesting this error seems to depend on the API address of the caller. Despite these errors, orders get properly created and registered in the backend, the keeper will find out about it the next time it queries the open orders list (which happens every few seconds).


See COPYING file.