
A Path of Exile Stash API reader and database manager

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Path of Exile Stash API reader and database manager


Path of Exile is an action RPG video game with a massive in-game economy, mediated by external websites. To facilitate this interaction, the publisher maintains an HTTP/JSON API for access to the live feed of items and player pricing. This software is designed to harvest that API, store it to a local database and perform some basic post-processing to get a set of derivative data suitable for further analysis.


This module consists of two major components, both of which are accessible from the top-level namespace or can be imported individually:

  • stashapi
  • db

The stashapi module is the HTTP interface to public stash tab updates published by GGG. This is how Path of Exile trading sites get their data, though if you're not whitelisted, you will be rate restricted by default.

The db module is what takes the objects created by stashapi and writes them to your database. This creates a current (not time series) database of all stashes and items.


To load data:

  • Begin by creating a database somewhere. MySQL is the most heavily tested by the author, but you can try something else if you want. Most of the code relies on sqlalchemy, so it should generally just work...
  • Install the module. If you are running from source code, you can pip install -e . or you can just set the environment variable PYTHONPATH=. once or before each command.
  • Turn your database credentials into a URL of the form: <db-type>://<user>:<password>@<host>/<db>
  • For MySQL, you will also want to include ?charset=utf8mb4 at the end of the URL. Also, mysql has many interface libraries, so you need to specify which to use. I recommend mysql+pymysql as the db-type at the front of the URL.
  • Run the data loader as a trial run: scripts/sample_api_reader.py -d <db-url>
  • If that works, kill it and start it up again from the most recent ID. You can find that ID at: https://poe.ninja/stats
  • Once that is running and pulling down data into your database, you will also need a currency processor running. This takes the raw data and creates the currency summary and sales tables. Run it like so: scripts/fixer.py -d <db-url> currency --verbose
  • The currency script will exit when it's up-to-date by default, but you can provide the --continuous flag to tell it to keep going.

These programs provide a basic database structure and will auto-instantiate tables that they need. However, they are also too slow to keep up with the entire output of the community! You would have to create a parallelized version of the sample_api_reader.py script and the currency processor for that, and that's beyond the scope of this project, mostly because doing so without being whielisted by GGG would hit their auto-rate-limiting thresholds, and I'm not yet a big enough fish to get on that list.

Once you have some data processed, you will have the following tables to look over in the DB:

  • stash - One row per end-use public stash tab with info about user name and so-on
  • item - All the item data you could ever want, but in raw form!
  • sale - One row per item sale with digested currency info including chaos equivalence.
  • currency_summary - A mapping of (from_currency, to_currency, league) where from and to are currency names and the league name divides the differnt league-based subsets of the economy. There is only one row per unique combination, recording our most up-to-date understanding of the trading value of each currency.

You can also peruse the sample queries in poefixer/extra.

That being said, you can accomplish quite a bit, just by regularly updating your pull to the most recent next_id and re-running. If you just wish to analyze the market, this is more than sufficient, and will quickly give you gigabytes of market data!

This isn't (yet) a full-featured end-user tool. It's really aimed at Python developers who wish to begin working with the Path of Exile API, and don't want to write the API and DB code themselves (I know I didn't!)
