Helpers, widgets for common web development
- actions/FileDeleteAction - for deleting FileBehavior model files
- actions/FileRenameAction - for renaming FileBehavior model files
- actions/ListAction - for ajax response for DepDrop widget / or html input request
- behaviors/FileBehavior - for uploading files, saving, showing, processing images
- behaviors/RankBehavior - for managing model sorting field
- behaviors/SerializeBehavior - for saving JSON or serialized arrays
- helpers/EventHelper - for processing events
- helpers/FormHelper - for processing form data
- helpers/GridHelper - for displaying GridView
- helpers/HtmlHelper - for displaying html elements
- helpers/MigrationHelper - for migration db operations
- helpers/RbacPermissionMigration - template (extend it) for rbac item add migration
- tests/FixtureManager - for generating fixtures
- validators/ListValidator - for validating attribute having list of available values for it.
- widgets/ActiveForm - for using yii active form without echoing it.
- widgets/UrlView - for rendering any controller partial response (for rbac access to widget content).