
A Cryptocurrency Tracker made with React JS, Material UI and Chart JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CryptoMatrix - Cryptocurrency Tracking Web Application

Technologies | Features | Layout |

CryptoMatrix is a web-based cryptocurrency tracking system designed to simplify monitoring of cryptocurrency investments. The platform provides users with real-time updates and historical data to aid in making informed investment decisions.

💻 Technologies


  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • JavaScript: Used for interactive elements and data handling. -- ReactJS: A declarative library for building user interfaces. -- ChartJS: A library for creating data visualizations such as charts and graphs.
  • Material-UI: A library for implementing Material Design components in React applications.


  • CoinGecko API: Provides real-time and historical cryptocurrency data, including prices, market capitalization, and more. It supports over 450 exchanges and 6,500+ cryptocurrencies.
  • Alternative APIs: Options include CoinMarketCap API, CryptoCompare API, and Coincodex API for additional data sources.

🚀 Features

  • Live Rate Tracking: View real-time prices of various cryptocurrencies.
  • Trending Cryptocurrencies: See which cryptocurrencies are trending at any given moment.
  • Search Functionality: Search from a selection of over 200 cryptocurrencies.
  • Historical Data: Access historical data in the form of charts for up to 24 hours, 30 days, 3 months, and 1 year.
  • Price Change Tracking: Observe the 24-hour price change of cryptocurrencies.
  • Cryptocurrency Information: Get brief information and rankings for various cryptocurrencies.
  • Responsive Design: The platform is designed to work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices.

🎨 Layout

Landing Page with real-time prices of trending Cryptocurrencies

List of Cyptocurrencies by Market Cap

Seach feature

Historical Charts

Responsive view on mobile