
Unit Test in .NET Core Web Api with xUnit

Primary LanguageC#


Unit Test in .NET Core Web Api with xUnit.

In this example, we have a simple Web Api developed with .Net Core which performs database operations. Our Web API consists of the following endpoints;

UserDto.User GetUser(int id); get user with id in database

UserDto.User AddUser(UserDto.User user); add user to database

UserDto.User DeleteUser(int id; delete user with id from database

When testing these endpoints, we actually write functional tests. In this way, we can manage test processes more realistically.

Our tests use memory database when testing our endpoints and our live data is not affected by the testing process.

When developing a test, we use the library xUnit.net.


xUnit is an open-source unit testing tool for the .Net Framework and offers .NET Core support. Compared to other unit testing frameworks, it stands out with its ease of development and its approach to behaviors like SetUp, TearDown, OneTimeSetup.

Comparing xUnit.net to other frameworks.

SetUp (before each test) XUnit uses constructors for test setup operations. You don't need to use a separate attirubute as in NUnit, MSTest frameworks.

TearDown (after each test) XUnit uses IDisposable classes for teardown operations.

Implementing SetUp and Teardown Method in XUnit;

public class TruthTests : IDisposable
    public TruthTests()
	// It will work before each test.
	// NUnit: [SetUp]
	// MSTest: [TestInitialize]
    public void Dispose()
	// It will work after each test.
	// NUnit: [TearDown]
	// MSTest: [TestCleanup]

    public void Test1()
	// Your Test

OneTimeSetup (share context between tests)

We use xUnit's IClassFixture feature to create shared contexts, such as Databases. With the fixture, we can share a single object instance between all tests.

For more; xUnit.net Documentation