
raven is a Linkedin information gathering tool that can be used by pentesters to gather information about an organization employees using Linkedin.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


raven is a Linkedin information gathering tool that can be used by pentesters to gather information about an organization employees using Linkedin.

Please do not use this program to do stupid things. The author does not keep any responsability of what damage has been done by this program.



  • Run setup.sh as root
  • Adjust Linkedin credentials in raven.py or pass them as parameters.
  • If you are running in Kali Linux , to avoid problems with selenium update firefox to the latest version.

Changes - v0.2

  • (x) More easy to interact.
  • (x) Optional checks and manual format specification.
  • (x) Allows to generate all the avaible formats.
  • ( ) OWA check module is under construction.


Usage of this is application is pretty simple. It requires at least two parameters. The first one is the company name , the second one is the country initials. If no domain name is specified it will create only user lists.


usage: raven.py [-h] -c COMPANY -s STATE [-d DOMAIN] [-p PAGES] [-f FORMAT]
                [-v VERIFY] [-l] [-chp] [-lu LUSERNAME] [-lp LPASSWORD]

Raven - LinkedIn Information Gathering Tool

optional arguments:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        -c COMPANY, --company COMPANY
                            Input the Company name. Ex: Pizzahut
        -s STATE, --state STATE
                              Input the State initials. Ex: uk , al , etc...
        -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                              Input the domain name. Ex: gmail.com
        -p PAGES, --pages PAGES
                              Number of google pages to navigate. Ex: 3
        -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
                              Specify format type. Ex: 1,2 or ALL
        -v VERIFY, --verify VERIFY
                              Verify e-mails by using OWA. Ex:
        -l, --list            List formats
        -chp, --check-pwned   Checks if the email can be found in a public
        -lu LUSERNAME, --lusername LUSERNAME
                              The linkedin username to use.
        -lp LPASSWORD, --lpassword LPASSWORD
                              The linekdin password to use.

For example , if the company that you want to search is Evil Corp and the state is Albania the parameters would be:

python raven.py -c 'Evil Corp' -s al -d evilcorp.al

The state parameter is actually the linkedin subdomain. In case there is no subdomain for your state you can use the www.

You can also specify how many pages of Google Search you want to search with the -p parameters

python raven.py -c 'Evil Corp' -s al -d evilcorp.al -p 3

The command above will search for results on 3 first pages of google.

E-mail/Username formats

Email formats - John Doe

# 1- john.doe@example.com 	-- {firstname}.{lastname}@{domain}
# 2- doe.john@example.com 	-- {lastname}.{firstname}@{domain}
# 3- john-doe@example.com 	-- {firstname}-{lastname}@{domain}
# 4- jdoe@example.com 		-- {firstname[0]}{lastname}@{domain}
# 5- doe.j@example.com 		-- {lastname}{firstname[0]}@{domain}
# 6- d.joe@example.com 		-- {lastname[0]}{firstname}@{domain}
# 7- joe.d@example.com 		-- {firstname}{lastname[0]}@{domain}
# 8- All of above

Tool Internals

The tool actually is a scraper that works with selenium. It uses a google dork to extract the LinkedIn url's and then it exctracts data from them. As you may know Linkedin has different subdomains for country-s.

  For example : al.linkedin.com is for Albania, uk.linkedin.com is for United Kingdom etc. 

The state parameter is actually the subdomain of the LinkedIn website.


  • Automatically check found emails in haveibeenpwned.com
  • Output in CSV format (For using with GoPhish)


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