
The project is a web application for tracking TV series. It allows users to register, search for series, view series details, track watched episodes, and manage their profiles.


  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Passport.js
  • JavaScript


The project offers the following features:


  • The homepage displays a collection of TV series.
  • Users can view series details by clicking on a series card.

Search Functionality:

  • Users can search for TV series by name.
  • The search function performs a case-insensitive search and displays the search results.

User Registration and Authentication:

  • Users can register by providing their name, username, email, and password.
  • Passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt before being stored.
  • Registered users can log in and log out of the application.

User Profile:

  • Each user has a profile page that displays their username and tracked series.
  • Users can track and untrack series, marking episodes as watched or unwatched.
  • The profile page also shows the total number of tracked series and watched episodes.

API Endpoints:

  • The API provides endpoints for accessing TV series information and user details.
  • The API allows authenticated users to retrieve specific series information and user profiles.


The project has accomplished the following:

  • Implemented user registration and authentication using Passport.js with a local strategy.
  • Developed routes for rendering the homepage, performing searches, and managing user registration and authentication.
  • Created views for displaying TV series, series details, user profiles, registration, and login pages.
  • Implemented tracking of TV series and watched episodes for each user.
  • Integrated flash messages to provide feedback during the registration and login processes.
  • Configured an API to retrieve series information and user details.

How To Run

docker build -t yourusername/tv-series-tracker .
docker run -p 49160:3000 --rm -d yourusername/tv-series-tracker

Now the application is running on http://localhost:49160/