Supermarket Application in Android Studio

Path of Java Files: \project\app\src\main\java\com\example\project

Path of XML Files: \project\app\src\main\res\layout

Path of AndroidManifest.xml: \project\app\src\main

Project Description

This project is a supermarket application. User enters information's of a product such as id, name, price and stock and these attributes are adding to a listView item with checkboxes which is in another tab. User can select product in second tab and when user added them to the basket, products will be add to another listView which is in third tab and the number of stock information will be decrease one. When user wants to pay, an intent will be open. It is a symbolic 3d secure page.

Used Tools

• Button

• Text View

• Edit Text

• Image View

• List View

• Tab Host

• Intent

• Bundle

• Toast

• Array List

• Array Adapter

• Date

• Calendar

• Time Unit

• AppCompat Activity

